Monday, June 30, 2008

Iran is a funny funny nation

Original Story:

"In comments that appeared in the semi-official Mehr news agency Sunday, an Iranian general said his troops were digging more than 320,000 graves to bury troops from any invading force with "the respect they deserve."
"Under the law of war and armed conflict, necessary preparations must be made for the burial of soldiers of aggressor nations," said Maj. Gen. Mirfaisal Baqerzadeh, an Iranian officer in charge of identifying soldiers missing in action."

Now who said Iranians lack humor, brains and common sense? Oh right, I did. But perhaps the 320,000 graves are a good thing. After all, we don't need to waste our time digging graves for them. We can use those instead.

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's so blatant, it's disgusting!

I remember in 04' when it was John Kerry versus Bush. The media and the liberal Hollywood elitists, spent all their time demonizing Bush with movies and biased new casts, only this time, they have decided to turn from a hate propaganda machine to a liberal love fest. I watch CNN from time to time (though not directly after eating, so that I do not vomit) and find their obsession with Obama to be extremely comical. When they talk about him, their eyes light up and they speak endlessly of his so called character and honestly. Hollywood even is planning an Obama movie. Sure, it may be released after the election, but the extent to which Obama is being shoved down our throats is sickening. The only thing to do is reject it and focus on who he really is, and what he stands for. Not what they tell us who he is and what he stands for.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gavin Newsome is a twit!

In San Francisco, which has some of the toughest handgun regulations in the
U.S., Mayor Gavin Newsom said the ruling "just flies in the face of reality. You
just wish the Supreme Court could spend a week in public housing and then come
out with this decision.
What an idiot. I live in low income housing in the Tenderloin (San Francisco's ghettos) and if anything, HE doesn't know what it is like to live in public housing. I live next door to drug addicts and drug dealers. I WISH I could get a gun to protect myself. But thanks to people like Gavin Newsome, I can't have a gun for fear of breaking the law, while those who have no problem breaking the law can do as they please. A great example of liberal elitist thinking.

Renaming the San Francisco Sewage Treatment Plant After President George W. Bush

Original Story: Here

I'm all for it. Quite frankly I think it is a great analogy. But…perhaps not the same way the San Franciscans thought. The sewage plant treats and purifies waste, it doesn't make it. San Franciscans do. So to have George W. Bush cleaning up after the liberal's endless tidal wave of shit seems a very fitting analogy.

Bush had to take care of the shit piled up during the Clintonian era when liberal loopholes in Airport security allowed the terrorists to board the planes that collapsed the twin towers on 9/11.

In fact, conservatives have a history of cleaning up heaping piles of liberal defecation. Ronald Reagan had to clean up after Jimmy Carter and only a Conservative will be able to clean up after Obama or McCain.

Let's add this to the liberal stupidity case file landfill.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Lessons I Learned From A Drunk Republican

I volunteered to help sign up citizens to vote last weekend behind a line of ironing boards acting as a portable table at the Union Street festival. As you could imagine, signing up Republicans in San Francisco would be met with resistance by the liberal elitists.

While there, I was accused of being a war monger, challenged by several liberals and even accused of wanting to "Lynch" little old ladies in the bay area. Needless to say, I had a blast. Call me crazy, but I rather enjoy the tension and confrontations.

With San Francisco being so one sided, it is nice to blast their single minded world view with a hefty dose of Conservatism. The poor close minded fools.

The day started to wind down with the festival and some people had already had a bit too much to drink. This included a middle aged Jewish Republican who decided to spend the next half hour talking about how disgraceful our showing (IE our shanty of a sign up desk made up of ironing boards) was.

He would slur, "Is thish the besht you republicans can get?! What are ya' even tryin' to do? Thish is pathetic!" The insults kept coming. And for some parts, I sympathized with him. The GOP after all has been shooting itself in the foot for over a decade now and the conservative base is weary of the GOP's waning from its core beliefs.

He asked what it was I hoped to accomplish behind the shabby table. I told him, "As much as I can." He laughed and told me it was pointless. A man scorned by his own party. It's not like I didn't relate. Here we have a lame excuse for a candidate who is almost as liberal as his opponents running under the Republican banner, continuing the dreadful course to liberalism, country club conservatism and rejection of conservative values.

I watched him whine and eventually he left. But it was his actions I learned from that day. Or rather his lack of action. Normally it would be a fight against the left and the Democrat party, but now and in the dark days ahead, it will be against the Democrats and the usurpers trying to destroy conservatism itself from within our own Republican Party.

Despite the grim task ahead, I am emboldened by great men like George Washington, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, George S Patton and Ronald Reagan, just to name a few, who went against even greater odds and emerged victorious.

I have made my decision to fight, ironing boards and all.