"Tis' the season". But, what is the season exactly? For millions of people, it is the celebration of Christmas, the time of year when we remember the night that God gave his only Son to us so that we may all obtain salvation.
Sometimes that message can be lost amongst the lights and gift giving that consumes the month of December. Now don't get me wrong, I love the lights and festivities. It gives me that great warm fuzzy feeling.
This December, however, has been full of sadness as I have just lost my Grandmother. On December 11th, 2007, the Lord called my grandma home and we are left here on earth mourn her passing. It's a strange feeling of both sadness and joy as we remember just how much we will miss her, while we rejoice that she is now in Heaven and that we will see her again, even though it will not be here on Earth.
Love is the reason for the season. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that those whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life." Let us never forget this. Because of God's love, we have a chance for salvation and peace.
We give gifts because we love to see our friends and family happy. Because we love them. As long as we keep this important fact about Christmas alive, no manner of evil, corporate shallowness, or political correctness can ruin Christmas
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Liberals: Simple people, with simple problems and simple solutions
What do you see when you look at the ground? Chances are you are thinking, "pavement" or "concrete", which is fine. It is a simple view of what it is. Not everything has to be complicated. No need to consider that it is a product of thousands of years of innovation or even to consider the engineering feats needed to make it.
But there are some things that are not simple. Liberals however would like to state that it is simple. Everything is simple and therefore everything has a simple answer if only we "evil conservatives" would get out of their way.
Global warming is simple according to them. They say that we are speeding up global warming because we use too much oil. Because we use aerosol cans. Never mind that all the experts state that there are over 600 individual factors contributing to global warming.
It's like you can't turn on the tv or watch a movie without some sort of green propaganda showing the water levels rising so much that it wipes out humanity in seconds. Sure it makes for a great action sequence, but the committee in charge of Global warming research at the UN of all places says that according to their "models", that the water level is expected to rise about 3 feet in the NEXT 100 YEARS!!! That's roughly one foot every 33 years, That's incredibly SMALL!
Here's a premise that is not so simple, so liberals, you may want to turn on John Stuart now and leave this to the adults. Think about this. During the Clinton administration, old buddies from Enron had a meeting with the Clintons and good old "Saint" Gore to discuss the business benefits of the Kyoto protocol. Business benefits?? What ever could those be?
Tell me, what is more profitable than an energy source that everyone has pretty much no choice but to buy? Give up? A forced outsourcing of our energy needs to lesser nations. Cheaper nations. Step one, make it illegal to drill for oil locally citing environmental reasons. (ANWAR and the Gulf of Mexico) Step two, enforce Kyoto protocol to make only lesser nations who do not fall under Kyoto principles the only nations that can produce oil. You get it cheap, and then sell it at 100 bucks a barrel because the area is foreign and politically unstable. Sound familiar? Wait, it gets better.
Now, create an advertising platform where your target audience can feel like good people for helping the environment by buying your over priced "green" products like eco friendly lightbulbs and hybrid cars. Then make certain cheap items illegal. Here in San Francisco, they have outlawed plastic bags. I went grocery shopping today and it was a living hell. A few of the bags ripped causing the contents to spill out onto the floor and they were so bulky that they would not fit in the trunk of a taxi that had over half it's space filled with a NATURAL GAS TANK!
Ok, so for the liberals. Here it is plain and simple. Green is a SCAM! There are whole new industries starting up that are making money off laws you promote. Did you know that there is now an entire industry devoted to regulating "carbon credits"? Did you know that before Enron went under, that it was the biggest supporter of "green" technology and that GE and BP helped set it up to make them more money? Yes folks, it's all about the green.
But there are some things that are not simple. Liberals however would like to state that it is simple. Everything is simple and therefore everything has a simple answer if only we "evil conservatives" would get out of their way.
Global warming is simple according to them. They say that we are speeding up global warming because we use too much oil. Because we use aerosol cans. Never mind that all the experts state that there are over 600 individual factors contributing to global warming.
It's like you can't turn on the tv or watch a movie without some sort of green propaganda showing the water levels rising so much that it wipes out humanity in seconds. Sure it makes for a great action sequence, but the committee in charge of Global warming research at the UN of all places says that according to their "models", that the water level is expected to rise about 3 feet in the NEXT 100 YEARS!!! That's roughly one foot every 33 years, That's incredibly SMALL!
Here's a premise that is not so simple, so liberals, you may want to turn on John Stuart now and leave this to the adults. Think about this. During the Clinton administration, old buddies from Enron had a meeting with the Clintons and good old "Saint" Gore to discuss the business benefits of the Kyoto protocol. Business benefits?? What ever could those be?
Tell me, what is more profitable than an energy source that everyone has pretty much no choice but to buy? Give up? A forced outsourcing of our energy needs to lesser nations. Cheaper nations. Step one, make it illegal to drill for oil locally citing environmental reasons. (ANWAR and the Gulf of Mexico) Step two, enforce Kyoto protocol to make only lesser nations who do not fall under Kyoto principles the only nations that can produce oil. You get it cheap, and then sell it at 100 bucks a barrel because the area is foreign and politically unstable. Sound familiar? Wait, it gets better.
Now, create an advertising platform where your target audience can feel like good people for helping the environment by buying your over priced "green" products like eco friendly lightbulbs and hybrid cars. Then make certain cheap items illegal. Here in San Francisco, they have outlawed plastic bags. I went grocery shopping today and it was a living hell. A few of the bags ripped causing the contents to spill out onto the floor and they were so bulky that they would not fit in the trunk of a taxi that had over half it's space filled with a NATURAL GAS TANK!
Ok, so for the liberals. Here it is plain and simple. Green is a SCAM! There are whole new industries starting up that are making money off laws you promote. Did you know that there is now an entire industry devoted to regulating "carbon credits"? Did you know that before Enron went under, that it was the biggest supporter of "green" technology and that GE and BP helped set it up to make them more money? Yes folks, it's all about the green.
green power,
inconvenient truth,
san francisco,
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My thoughts on the YouTube Republican Debate
I managed to watch much of the Republican YouTube debate last night. It was very informative. It further strengthened my beliefs against Ron Paul while making me take a closer look at Mike Huckabee. Up until this point I was more in favor of Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney. Though make no mistake, I would still prefer them over Giulianni.
I think was clenched it for me was the way Mike Huckabee was able to promote his views and back them with common sense instead of just rhetoric. His belief on the Bible was strong as well as his views on gun rights.
Now, a lot of people complain about Romney and his apparent flip flopping over abortion ten years ago. They see it as a sign that he will say anything to be popular. That is, of course, a possibility with ALL politicians. What needs to be considered is where all of us where ten years ago. Have we been made wiser over time? Are we as stubborn or ignorant?
I'll tell you something right now. As a 14 year old kid ten years ago, I was....A Communist! That's right. The vastly right wing, pro free market, anti-affirmative action CONSERVATIVE was a Communist!!! Tut, ignorance in the past can be redeemed by actions in the future. A drug addict may be reformed and be a pillar of the community, a wicked man may find salvation and a man who once supported abortion may one day champion the fight to save the unborn.
Now, in defense of Giulianni, some things you have to do to compromise. In a Democrat Party controlled state, where there was no chance to kick the illegals out, he made a compromise. As long as the leftist regime would not allow action to be taken to rid the state of the illegal infestation, Giulianni decided, correctly in my opinion, that they should at least be documented for the safety of the citizens of New York.
That says a lot. But the most important thing to me is whether or not we get a president, of ANY party who will run in the face of adversity. I do not want that, and America does not want that. Roe V. Wade can be overturned, Gay marriages can be outlawed for good and taxes can be repealed. But a president who is not strong enough to fight and win this war on terror will doom this nation to a reputation of weakness. The wicked will know that their hope lies in wicked acts. And they will know that the American people will not stand for what they believe in.
I think was clenched it for me was the way Mike Huckabee was able to promote his views and back them with common sense instead of just rhetoric. His belief on the Bible was strong as well as his views on gun rights.
Now, a lot of people complain about Romney and his apparent flip flopping over abortion ten years ago. They see it as a sign that he will say anything to be popular. That is, of course, a possibility with ALL politicians. What needs to be considered is where all of us where ten years ago. Have we been made wiser over time? Are we as stubborn or ignorant?
I'll tell you something right now. As a 14 year old kid ten years ago, I was....A Communist! That's right. The vastly right wing, pro free market, anti-affirmative action CONSERVATIVE was a Communist!!! Tut, ignorance in the past can be redeemed by actions in the future. A drug addict may be reformed and be a pillar of the community, a wicked man may find salvation and a man who once supported abortion may one day champion the fight to save the unborn.
Now, in defense of Giulianni, some things you have to do to compromise. In a Democrat Party controlled state, where there was no chance to kick the illegals out, he made a compromise. As long as the leftist regime would not allow action to be taken to rid the state of the illegal infestation, Giulianni decided, correctly in my opinion, that they should at least be documented for the safety of the citizens of New York.
That says a lot. But the most important thing to me is whether or not we get a president, of ANY party who will run in the face of adversity. I do not want that, and America does not want that. Roe V. Wade can be overturned, Gay marriages can be outlawed for good and taxes can be repealed. But a president who is not strong enough to fight and win this war on terror will doom this nation to a reputation of weakness. The wicked will know that their hope lies in wicked acts. And they will know that the American people will not stand for what they believe in.
san francisco,
YouTube Republican Debate
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Ok, Enough Griping About The Liberals. What Do I Like About San Francisco
I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about how stupid some San Franciscans can be. But I wouldn't be here if I didn't like it. First and foremost, I came here to succeed. I attend the San Francisco Academy Of Art University (night classes because I work during the day) so my main reason for being here is school. Secondly, this is a city that despite its anti capitalistic views, is a major hub of commerce. Not only that, if you really want something, you can obtain it.
Another reason, and I'm not ashamed to say it, women. San Francisco has some of the most beautiful women on earth. It's not a reason for being here, just a benefit. It's also nice to be around people who take care of themselves (exercise and are mindful of what they wear). I mean where I use to live, just about everyone was a fat, stained wife beater shirt wearing chump. Sure they tend to be vain, but their higher standard of appearance motivates me to work out and dress to impress. So to put it simply, San Francisco has been a great boost to my personal life.
I also love the sights and sounds of the city. (Yes, even sirens seem nice sometimes) Just about every building is a unique work of art. No cookie cutter houses here. Not to mention that if I ever want to take a walk to clear my head, all I have to do is walk along the pier to Fisherman's wharf. Its such a lovely walk.
I think I could see myself living here for quite some time.
The San Francisco Conservative
Another reason, and I'm not ashamed to say it, women. San Francisco has some of the most beautiful women on earth. It's not a reason for being here, just a benefit. It's also nice to be around people who take care of themselves (exercise and are mindful of what they wear). I mean where I use to live, just about everyone was a fat, stained wife beater shirt wearing chump. Sure they tend to be vain, but their higher standard of appearance motivates me to work out and dress to impress. So to put it simply, San Francisco has been a great boost to my personal life.
I also love the sights and sounds of the city. (Yes, even sirens seem nice sometimes) Just about every building is a unique work of art. No cookie cutter houses here. Not to mention that if I ever want to take a walk to clear my head, all I have to do is walk along the pier to Fisherman's wharf. Its such a lovely walk.
I think I could see myself living here for quite some time.
The San Francisco Conservative
fishermans wharf,
right wing,
san francisco
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Mayor McCheese Nominated/Wins Nobel Peace Prize!

It's astounding that they will let any meat head with a socialist agenda win a Nobel Peace Prize. This means that having a peace prize is like winning a fixed match. I hope Al Go--- I mean, Mayor McCheese can sleep well knowing that he is a total sham. Though I don't think that will be a problem with his house that consumes as much power as a small town.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Original Story
It's nice to hear about people getting what they deserve. Three thugs break into a man's house, beat his step son, and paralyzes him in the process and tries to rob him. No mercy. I am glad those two thugs are dead. Just as I would enjoy hearing that a rampaging bull was put out of its misery. When people behave in such a manner, it gives me no grief to see them dead. The third guy should be dead too.
It's people like that who give the black community a bad name. But then again, it seems that the black community seems fine with such actions. They almost seem to endorse it. Go figure. That man deserves to be responsible for the deaths of his comrades. I am glad in a way that they will not execute him. I want him to rot in prison for life knowing that because of him, his two friends are dead.
Good riddance.
It's nice to hear about people getting what they deserve. Three thugs break into a man's house, beat his step son, and paralyzes him in the process and tries to rob him. No mercy. I am glad those two thugs are dead. Just as I would enjoy hearing that a rampaging bull was put out of its misery. When people behave in such a manner, it gives me no grief to see them dead. The third guy should be dead too.
It's people like that who give the black community a bad name. But then again, it seems that the black community seems fine with such actions. They almost seem to endorse it. Go figure. That man deserves to be responsible for the deaths of his comrades. I am glad in a way that they will not execute him. I want him to rot in prison for life knowing that because of him, his two friends are dead.
Good riddance.
affirmative action,
racial tension,
san francisco
Friday, November 16, 2007
OMG Hollywood Had "The Bomb" : Lions For Lambs
Hehe, I needed a good laugh. After seeing Hollywood release another leftist propaganda film, I was starting to get upset. But the fact that it is BOMBING so bad makes it all better. So far, it has grossed roughly 8 million dollars domestic and about 11 million worldwide.
Link to movie stats
But the thing that bugs me is how blatant they [liberal media] are making themselves. An Inconvenient Truth's Al Gore wins a Peace Prize along with the UN who refutes Gore's claims on the severity of Global warming. I remember back in 2004, there wasn't a single watchable movie that I can think of released by Hollywood because it was all filled with left wing Bush bashing.
The music industry is no better. Just about every band that starts to make it big seems almost required to blurt out every Marxist thought that comes across their pea sized minds.
It's annoying, but at least its nice to see it backfire on them.
Link to movie stats
But the thing that bugs me is how blatant they [liberal media] are making themselves. An Inconvenient Truth's Al Gore wins a Peace Prize along with the UN who refutes Gore's claims on the severity of Global warming. I remember back in 2004, there wasn't a single watchable movie that I can think of released by Hollywood because it was all filled with left wing Bush bashing.
The music industry is no better. Just about every band that starts to make it big seems almost required to blurt out every Marxist thought that comes across their pea sized minds.
It's annoying, but at least its nice to see it backfire on them.
liberal media,
san francisco
Monday, November 5, 2007
I'm Pro Choice - Paper or Plastic?
Ok, so I'm at the grocery store in downtown San Francisco during my lunch break. I go to get a few lunch making supplies, bread, peanut butter and chex. Simple enough. So when I get to the check out stand, my total is given and I pay for my items. But now an interesting thing develops. I get a paper bag to put my groceries in.
A paper bag can be good for many things, but when it comes to carrying groceries, especially heavy groceries. Nothing beats a steady and easily grabbed plastic bag. Let's face it. Paper bags do not have handles and they are not strong. They are a pain to clench on, and if you have to carry multiple bags, you have to cautiously look over the bags as they are grasped to your chest in what seems like a vain attempt to stay secure.
The reason why I got a paper bag, is because I was not given a CHOICE to use a plastic one. The manager apparently caught the "green" fad and has decided that WE should all suffer!
You know, it figures. Where else but in Liberalsville can you have the choice to kill an innocent unborn infant, but can't choose how you carry your groceries?
But hey, anything to make the ivory tower liberals feel good about themselves right? I'm sure they are thinking to themselves, "I don't see what the fuss is about. Why don't they just have their chauffeurs grab the groceries?". It's bad enough that they think they know what is best for us, but for them to find newer ways to impose their beliefs on us is just horrible!
Listen up America. GREEN SUCKS! The ivory tower free market haters want nothing less than total free market annihilation. They want you to turn off your lights and live like cavemen.
Now the thing is, I care about the environment. I pick up my trash, and from time to time, I even go out of my way to recycle. But this Eco-Nazi Fascism is just too much. It's not like this is the first time they have done something like this. There are no Styrofoam cups or containers allowed to be used at restaurants and other businesses.
I have been in green buildings as well. They are horrible death traps of muggy temperatures and inefficient power. You would be lucky to witness your granddaughter's college graduation by the time the elevator reaches the second floor.
So anyway, down with green.
A paper bag can be good for many things, but when it comes to carrying groceries, especially heavy groceries. Nothing beats a steady and easily grabbed plastic bag. Let's face it. Paper bags do not have handles and they are not strong. They are a pain to clench on, and if you have to carry multiple bags, you have to cautiously look over the bags as they are grasped to your chest in what seems like a vain attempt to stay secure.
The reason why I got a paper bag, is because I was not given a CHOICE to use a plastic one. The manager apparently caught the "green" fad and has decided that WE should all suffer!
You know, it figures. Where else but in Liberalsville can you have the choice to kill an innocent unborn infant, but can't choose how you carry your groceries?
But hey, anything to make the ivory tower liberals feel good about themselves right? I'm sure they are thinking to themselves, "I don't see what the fuss is about. Why don't they just have their chauffeurs grab the groceries?". It's bad enough that they think they know what is best for us, but for them to find newer ways to impose their beliefs on us is just horrible!
Listen up America. GREEN SUCKS! The ivory tower free market haters want nothing less than total free market annihilation. They want you to turn off your lights and live like cavemen.
Now the thing is, I care about the environment. I pick up my trash, and from time to time, I even go out of my way to recycle. But this Eco-Nazi Fascism is just too much. It's not like this is the first time they have done something like this. There are no Styrofoam cups or containers allowed to be used at restaurants and other businesses.
I have been in green buildings as well. They are horrible death traps of muggy temperatures and inefficient power. You would be lucky to witness your granddaughter's college graduation by the time the elevator reaches the second floor.
So anyway, down with green.
green party,
green power,
President Bush,
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Nigga Please- The Double Standard Of Racist Remarks
HONOLULU — Television bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman's show has been pulled from the air indefinitely by A&E, two days after a private phone conversation in which the reality star used a racial slur repeatedly was posted online.
Source Of Story: Fox News
Ok, so Dog said a derogatory phrase in a private conversation with a traitorous family member. Perhaps he shouldn't use such language if it is so damaging and insulting. I'm not here to argue that what he said was something to be praised, but I am here to argue the injustice of why it can be acceptable for anyone to use the word nigger, so long as they aren't white.
We all know the history of the civil war, black slavery and the civil rights movement. We know that it was an injustice and we also know that many different factors lead to the racism that robbed many colored Americans of their human rights.
But for me to believe that it is wrong for someone to call someone a nigger while another race can profit and use the word so blatantly is just sickening. How many times has that word been uttered by pop culture to make money? Why, just yesterday, I was walking past two black men on the street who used the word, "nigger" more times than Dog did in his entire taped conversation. This is in the few seconds it took me to walk by them. It was literally a "nigger" a second.
My thoughts on the use of that word. To me it is a nasty, disgusting word. And when I use it, and yes I DO use it, I use it with the full intent of describing a disgusting worthless individual. Skin color does not register much with my choice on using that term. Though to be fair, I will call a worthless black person a nigger, while I will call a worthless white person a redneck. I could go on for a while saying what I call worthless people of all races. But I think I have made my point. If a person wishes to act like a nigger, then I will call them a nigger, without regret or shame.
In my honest opinion, the black community is a disgusting wreck and should be torn apart. It is injected with the venom of slave, victim mentality that does nothing more than destroy the desire to better ones self. Today's black equality movement is a disgrace of what it was when the illustrious Dr. Martin Luther King was in charge. The compassion of Malcolm X is lost on this generation of slackers and black racists who want nothing more than a free meal.
But it is obvious to me that people are no longer free to express themselves freely. And it is also apparent that the attacks on Dog are a blatant attempt by the religious hating left wing fascists to bring a good man down.
He apologized, and he was right to do so. I also do not believe that he is a racist. Like myself, he has known and loved many black people as brothers, sisters and friends. I think it would be a mistake to cancel his show for this. He has so many people he can help, and I know he is sorry for what he said.
So before trying to pin anything on him, think about this. Why is it that Dog can be suspended for saying the word a few times, but Chappelle's Show gets better ratings for intentionally doing the same thing? (Btw, I like to watch Chappelle's Show)
Thats All I have to say about that I guess.
Dog the bounty hunter,
duane chapman,
san francisco
Sunday, October 28, 2007
When Oh When Can We Destroy Iran?
I am starting to get a little annoyed with Iran. They openly support terrorism (Oh, and don't give me that whole, "Iran expressed sorrow for those lost in the twin towers" Bullshit. If Hitler were a little smarter, he would have said the same thing about Pearl Harbor.), supply the insurgency and call for Israel and America to be destroyed on a regular basis. One could simply call it "saber rattling", but there is a huge difference between saying a bunch of angry words to avert attention from your failure as a leader, and actually being dangerous.
Iran is like the crazy man who lives on the street, screaming about the apocalypse, harmless. But give him a gun, or a weapon capable of harming others, and you have a threat you just can't ignore.
And that is what Iran is. A symbolic crazy man who wants to hurt people, but does not yet have the capabilities to do so. The question is, how long will we allow them to continue on this path before they either attain such a weapon, or we simply get sick of it. Well, unfortunately, the idea that we will rise to this task before lives are lost is minimal. Such attacks against them would cause the ire of the leftists to come pouring out in droves. But the thing is, once the unthinkable does happen, the left will undoubtedly demand to know why nothing was done sooner.
That's crazy right? Wrong! They did it before. After 9/11, we knew where to attack. The answer was Afghanistan. We waited for months before strikes were made. The left was in a rage over the idea of attacking Afghanistan. Michael Moore being one of the most vocal opponents, of such an attack. He would then later make a movie called, "Fahrenheit 9/11" which he argued that Bush let Osama Bin Laden escape by not attacking Afghanistan SOONER!
Do we need to fight a conventional war against them? Probably not. It could be argued that the Iranians are stupid for electing that nutjob of a president, but there is eventually a limit to how stupid someone is willing to be. Take their military out of the picture, destroy their ability to organize the resources necessary to operate their illegal nuclear facilities.
Give them the option to surrender the location of the facilities, then if they do not cooperate, send in black ops to destroy the facilities. And if that fails, destroy a few square blocks surrounding where the management lives who operates those facilities and eventually, others will surrender what they know.
This sure sounds severe. What I am suggesting may upset some and disgust others. Well, in case you haven't noticed, WE ARE AT WAR CHILDREN!!! The time for civility with an uncivilized enemy is long past due. We must consider them a potential threat and remove that threat from this earth. We will remove it by intimidation or force. There is no other way.
Iran is like the crazy man who lives on the street, screaming about the apocalypse, harmless. But give him a gun, or a weapon capable of harming others, and you have a threat you just can't ignore.
And that is what Iran is. A symbolic crazy man who wants to hurt people, but does not yet have the capabilities to do so. The question is, how long will we allow them to continue on this path before they either attain such a weapon, or we simply get sick of it. Well, unfortunately, the idea that we will rise to this task before lives are lost is minimal. Such attacks against them would cause the ire of the leftists to come pouring out in droves. But the thing is, once the unthinkable does happen, the left will undoubtedly demand to know why nothing was done sooner.
That's crazy right? Wrong! They did it before. After 9/11, we knew where to attack. The answer was Afghanistan. We waited for months before strikes were made. The left was in a rage over the idea of attacking Afghanistan. Michael Moore being one of the most vocal opponents, of such an attack. He would then later make a movie called, "Fahrenheit 9/11" which he argued that Bush let Osama Bin Laden escape by not attacking Afghanistan SOONER!
Do we need to fight a conventional war against them? Probably not. It could be argued that the Iranians are stupid for electing that nutjob of a president, but there is eventually a limit to how stupid someone is willing to be. Take their military out of the picture, destroy their ability to organize the resources necessary to operate their illegal nuclear facilities.
Give them the option to surrender the location of the facilities, then if they do not cooperate, send in black ops to destroy the facilities. And if that fails, destroy a few square blocks surrounding where the management lives who operates those facilities and eventually, others will surrender what they know.
This sure sounds severe. What I am suggesting may upset some and disgust others. Well, in case you haven't noticed, WE ARE AT WAR CHILDREN!!! The time for civility with an uncivilized enemy is long past due. We must consider them a potential threat and remove that threat from this earth. We will remove it by intimidation or force. There is no other way.
Axis of Evil,
President Bush,
war on terror,
Friday, October 26, 2007
Why I Support The Iraq War, And You Should Too!
You gain some incredible insights when living amongst liberals. You get to know how they think. (What little they do) But one thing I have learned is that liberals are not ALL America hating, flag burning, Neo-Hippies. Well, some of them are, and many of them live in this city. But for the large part, many people are not entirely interested in politics. They prefer to live and let live, despite how dire a situation may be.
That is what brings me to my topic. Why I support the Iraq war. As I mentioned, not that many people take an active role in voting or even taking the time to review the facts. This can be dangerous, as those who can afford to live comfortably and peacefully, are able think in idealistic terms. Soldiers on the other hand have bullets flying by their ears, and a fight against an increasing bold, and VICIOUS enemy to worry about. "Can't we all just get along?", has not place in the real world. These idealistic views are the main cause of death to our men and women in uniform. And its all thanks to the people in this country who do not support this war.
That's right. If you do not support this war, YOU are the cause of their deaths. YOU are a TRAITOR. And, I won't just call you names, I'll tell you why.
America has the best military in the world. We have the best of the best. Loyal men and women who are willing to fight to protect their families, their values and freedom for all mankind. A military with the financial backing of the most powerful economy in existence and the inventions of free men and free women who have the liberty to think for themselves. That freedom is the reason why America is the top producer and exporter of everything that has truly changed the world from an industrial age world of kingdoms, to a network of connected democratic nations supported by the people and build for the people.
With this military, Saddam was toppled in days. Why then are we still fighting? Again, it is because of the doubting traitors. The terrorists cannot win against the most powerful military and economic power on earth with honorable battles and gallant heroes. So it resorts to bypassing the power of our military and strikes deep into the soft, ignorant, uncaring people of America. Every time a man has his head sawed off while he is alive and screaming for mercy, it is because YOU have proven to him that by doing this, you will achieve his goal. YOU will call for retreat. YOU will cripple our military. And YOU will do it without knowing you are doing it.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is deadly. Do you think I like to see our brave soldiers fall in battle? Do you think I enjoy hearing of death and suffering? If you do, seek a psychiatrist immediately. I am not so different from you. I want peace, but the peace I want is secure in the knowledge that people are treating each other right, not oppressing each other. Not just turning our backs on a problem and calling it, "peace".
The next time you think, "We have to get out as soon as possible" remember this. What is the goal of our enemy? For the US to leave Iraq and the middle east entirely. Why? Because the enemy wants to dominate that region, and eventually the world. Don't laugh. I am not making this up. They have expressed their desire to rule the world under Islamic Sharia law. By abandoning the middle east, and saying to them. You can defeat us by breaking every rule in the book. And if we tell them that, where will it end? And will you allow this? Will you betray our troops by taking the enemy's side?
That is what brings me to my topic. Why I support the Iraq war. As I mentioned, not that many people take an active role in voting or even taking the time to review the facts. This can be dangerous, as those who can afford to live comfortably and peacefully, are able think in idealistic terms. Soldiers on the other hand have bullets flying by their ears, and a fight against an increasing bold, and VICIOUS enemy to worry about. "Can't we all just get along?", has not place in the real world. These idealistic views are the main cause of death to our men and women in uniform. And its all thanks to the people in this country who do not support this war.
That's right. If you do not support this war, YOU are the cause of their deaths. YOU are a TRAITOR. And, I won't just call you names, I'll tell you why.
America has the best military in the world. We have the best of the best. Loyal men and women who are willing to fight to protect their families, their values and freedom for all mankind. A military with the financial backing of the most powerful economy in existence and the inventions of free men and free women who have the liberty to think for themselves. That freedom is the reason why America is the top producer and exporter of everything that has truly changed the world from an industrial age world of kingdoms, to a network of connected democratic nations supported by the people and build for the people.
With this military, Saddam was toppled in days. Why then are we still fighting? Again, it is because of the doubting traitors. The terrorists cannot win against the most powerful military and economic power on earth with honorable battles and gallant heroes. So it resorts to bypassing the power of our military and strikes deep into the soft, ignorant, uncaring people of America. Every time a man has his head sawed off while he is alive and screaming for mercy, it is because YOU have proven to him that by doing this, you will achieve his goal. YOU will call for retreat. YOU will cripple our military. And YOU will do it without knowing you are doing it.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is deadly. Do you think I like to see our brave soldiers fall in battle? Do you think I enjoy hearing of death and suffering? If you do, seek a psychiatrist immediately. I am not so different from you. I want peace, but the peace I want is secure in the knowledge that people are treating each other right, not oppressing each other. Not just turning our backs on a problem and calling it, "peace".
The next time you think, "We have to get out as soon as possible" remember this. What is the goal of our enemy? For the US to leave Iraq and the middle east entirely. Why? Because the enemy wants to dominate that region, and eventually the world. Don't laugh. I am not making this up. They have expressed their desire to rule the world under Islamic Sharia law. By abandoning the middle east, and saying to them. You can defeat us by breaking every rule in the book. And if we tell them that, where will it end? And will you allow this? Will you betray our troops by taking the enemy's side?
saddam hussain,
US military,
war in iraq,
war on terror
And then...there was another.
I just registered to vote a few days ago. On my way home from work, I passed a man on the streets of San Francisco asking people if they wanted to register to vote. But even more startling to me is that he was from the GOP. Right there in the middle of San Francisco. I was thrilled. It was so great to see another conservative. Or at least a member of the GOP.
Now, this may shock some, but I generally register Independent. The reason being that I am not a "party loyalist". If the GOP does something I don't like, I am vocal about it. But I figured, what they heck, I'll register as a Republican this time. The way I see it, the way the Democrats are heading. I will NEVER vote for one. (Exceptions being Zell Miller or maybe, if it was between Hillary and Joseph Lieberman, I would chose Lieberman)
I especially like the fact that they took precautions to make sure my vote couldn't be forged. Schwarzenegger may be a RINO, but hey, what other choice would I have. Everyone one else is pretty much a disciple of Mao or Stalin anyway.
Now, this may shock some, but I generally register Independent. The reason being that I am not a "party loyalist". If the GOP does something I don't like, I am vocal about it. But I figured, what they heck, I'll register as a Republican this time. The way I see it, the way the Democrats are heading. I will NEVER vote for one. (Exceptions being Zell Miller or maybe, if it was between Hillary and Joseph Lieberman, I would chose Lieberman)
I especially like the fact that they took precautions to make sure my vote couldn't be forged. Schwarzenegger may be a RINO, but hey, what other choice would I have. Everyone one else is pretty much a disciple of Mao or Stalin anyway.
register to vote,
san francisco,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Religion Of Environmentalism And Their Messiah, Al Gore
Going green. The craze that has hit a nerve with every self righteous, pompous environmentalist has been seeping its poison into the minds of the average American. It was tolerable when people were talking about conserving water or protecting endangered species. But now, the whole thing is like a religious inquisition. Now, for my beliefs I am used to ignorant, close minded tools calling me things like, nazi, redneck, racist or warmonger just to name a few (Despite the fact that I am not even white). Whatever, I don't take offense to things said by ignorant bigots.
But I was recently called something that caught me off guard. After a rather spirited debate with a few San Francisco liberals, I was called, of all things, an equivalent to a "holocaust denier" and "Flat earth believer". What the hell? I question their faulty science and all of a sudden I am put into the same category as a racist Mullah or someone who rejects science.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of science to come to a logical decision or conclusion based on definite facts? So then, my questioning of faulty and inaccurate atmospheric models mixed with a propaganda laden film by Saint Al Gore, should be a valid argument in the realm of science. But it's not. And that is why I question the state of science in the world today. It seems to be driven by politics, much in the same way it was during the rule of the Popes.
A "consensus" is formed causing all to join or be shunned. Anyone who questions the, "because there is a consensus" response is considered a traitor or agent of big oil.
Its like the Spanish Inquisition all over again. Surely I exaggerate. I wish. Even now, environmentalists plot ways to eliminate the human equation. Talk of releasing a sterilizing virus on mankind to remove it from this planet have been talked about. The goal of far left wing enviro-nuts have stated that only 50,000 humans should be allowed to live in order to "protect nature" In a recent environmentalists concert, one of the Kennedys stated that all who did not support the global warming movement must be considered traitors. And must be "dealt with" like traitors. The crowd cheered. I swear, I could almost hear "Zieg Heil" echoing in their enthusiastic support of his decree.
Geez, even Hitler only had dreams of eliminating one race from the earth. (What a bastard) But these nuts want to exterminate the whole HUMAN RACE!
Well, that's it for now. Question is, will we wait for green armband wearing gestapo to bust down our door for driving an SUV, which equates to "high treason" or we eventually just say, "Enough is enough!"
But I was recently called something that caught me off guard. After a rather spirited debate with a few San Francisco liberals, I was called, of all things, an equivalent to a "holocaust denier" and "Flat earth believer". What the hell? I question their faulty science and all of a sudden I am put into the same category as a racist Mullah or someone who rejects science.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of science to come to a logical decision or conclusion based on definite facts? So then, my questioning of faulty and inaccurate atmospheric models mixed with a propaganda laden film by Saint Al Gore, should be a valid argument in the realm of science. But it's not. And that is why I question the state of science in the world today. It seems to be driven by politics, much in the same way it was during the rule of the Popes.
A "consensus" is formed causing all to join or be shunned. Anyone who questions the, "because there is a consensus" response is considered a traitor or agent of big oil.
Its like the Spanish Inquisition all over again. Surely I exaggerate. I wish. Even now, environmentalists plot ways to eliminate the human equation. Talk of releasing a sterilizing virus on mankind to remove it from this planet have been talked about. The goal of far left wing enviro-nuts have stated that only 50,000 humans should be allowed to live in order to "protect nature" In a recent environmentalists concert, one of the Kennedys stated that all who did not support the global warming movement must be considered traitors. And must be "dealt with" like traitors. The crowd cheered. I swear, I could almost hear "Zieg Heil" echoing in their enthusiastic support of his decree.
Geez, even Hitler only had dreams of eliminating one race from the earth. (What a bastard) But these nuts want to exterminate the whole HUMAN RACE!
Well, that's it for now. Question is, will we wait for green armband wearing gestapo to bust down our door for driving an SUV, which equates to "high treason" or we eventually just say, "Enough is enough!"
San Francisco Finally Tired Of Bums?
Never thought I would live to see the day when the liberals in this city were forced to recognize the growing problem with bums in this city. Well, why now, you might ask. The answer is simple really. San Franciscans love to put off problems until a later time. They are self serving individuals who only care about making themselves feel good instead of actually solving a problem.
San Francisco's policy towards these wretches has been to keep them generally contained. Out of site and out of mind right? Just like sweeping dust under a carpet. Except when the dust builds up, it doesn't attack you kids on the way home from school, sell or take drugs on the streets.
San Francisco's hidden shame lies within a section of the city known as the Tenderloin. There, the police only pay attention as a matter of protocol. Maybe an arrest or two is made to show that they are still there. But, you can literally see where the Tenderloin ends and the rest of the city begins. As for the bums, well, begging is not illegal so they can go anywhere.
I would say that on a normal day, I am accosted at least a dozen or so times. I never give them a cent. In fact, I would prefer that they starve to death.
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Did he really just say that? You bet I did. And I'll say it again without regret. I prefer they starve to death. "Who does this guy think he is?", one might ask. "Does he think he has more of a right to live than them?", another might ponder.
The answer is nothing short of humanitarian. The life of a bum is nothing but misery and despair. They are of no value to society. Heck , even manure can make crops grow and feed people. So to say that they are worth Sh#t, is to insult sh#t. No, I would like to see them starve for two reasons. One, starvation is a good motivator. If you have to choose between getting a job or education or starving to death, the answer just might be easier. Also, if they die, well, they won't be such a drag on society as influential in crime and it just might ease their suffering.
To me, putting a coin in a bums cup to make yourself feel better about yourself, while doing nothing more than giving him a few more hours in a miserable existence, is a form of torture in my opinion.
The problem with these liberals is that even though they realize that bums are a disaster for the city, they are clueless as to what to do about it. They will probably decide that we should throw more money at the problem to make it go away. This of course will mean that they will want to raise taxes (steal more from my paycheck). The problem will not go away, but hey, as long as they don't see the problem, it doesn't exist.
The San Francisco Conservative
San Francisco's policy towards these wretches has been to keep them generally contained. Out of site and out of mind right? Just like sweeping dust under a carpet. Except when the dust builds up, it doesn't attack you kids on the way home from school, sell or take drugs on the streets.
San Francisco's hidden shame lies within a section of the city known as the Tenderloin. There, the police only pay attention as a matter of protocol. Maybe an arrest or two is made to show that they are still there. But, you can literally see where the Tenderloin ends and the rest of the city begins. As for the bums, well, begging is not illegal so they can go anywhere.
I would say that on a normal day, I am accosted at least a dozen or so times. I never give them a cent. In fact, I would prefer that they starve to death.
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Did he really just say that? You bet I did. And I'll say it again without regret. I prefer they starve to death. "Who does this guy think he is?", one might ask. "Does he think he has more of a right to live than them?", another might ponder.
The answer is nothing short of humanitarian. The life of a bum is nothing but misery and despair. They are of no value to society. Heck , even manure can make crops grow and feed people. So to say that they are worth Sh#t, is to insult sh#t. No, I would like to see them starve for two reasons. One, starvation is a good motivator. If you have to choose between getting a job or education or starving to death, the answer just might be easier. Also, if they die, well, they won't be such a drag on society as influential in crime and it just might ease their suffering.
To me, putting a coin in a bums cup to make yourself feel better about yourself, while doing nothing more than giving him a few more hours in a miserable existence, is a form of torture in my opinion.
The problem with these liberals is that even though they realize that bums are a disaster for the city, they are clueless as to what to do about it. They will probably decide that we should throw more money at the problem to make it go away. This of course will mean that they will want to raise taxes (steal more from my paycheck). The problem will not go away, but hey, as long as they don't see the problem, it doesn't exist.
The San Francisco Conservative
And THIS is what they are offended by?
I have the good fortune, and sometimes pain, of living in San Francisco. I love this city for its culture, prosperity and beauty. But nevertheless, this city is as liberal as they come.
I often sit quietly at my desk as I hear my coworkers talking politics. I know what city I am in, and I am fiercely conservative. So I keep myself out of their heated and sometimes hateful conversations. But being behind enemy lines, so to speak, has given me an interesting view of the left.
For example. Remember when the Iranian president visited a few weeks ago? Well, it may surprise you to know how much they hated him. But then I realized why, and it nearly made me sick.
It was not that he supports terrorism, oppression of free speech, the holocaust, the destruction of the state of Israel, a nuclear armed Iran, sending militants supplies to fight and kill our soldiers, send in special operations troops to kill our men and women in uniform who are working with the Iraqi people to establish a democratic nation. (Heck, this list could go on forever)
No, what ticks them off is that he is against gay. That's right. Oh, and womens rights. Does this make ANY sense to you?! I mean sure, oppression of people due to sex or orientation is bad. (I may not agree with homosexuality, but a person has a right to a personal life. They may have to answer to God later, but that is their choice)
But it baffles me how people can be so stupid.
Well, thats my rant for now
The San Francisco Conservative
I often sit quietly at my desk as I hear my coworkers talking politics. I know what city I am in, and I am fiercely conservative. So I keep myself out of their heated and sometimes hateful conversations. But being behind enemy lines, so to speak, has given me an interesting view of the left.
For example. Remember when the Iranian president visited a few weeks ago? Well, it may surprise you to know how much they hated him. But then I realized why, and it nearly made me sick.
It was not that he supports terrorism, oppression of free speech, the holocaust, the destruction of the state of Israel, a nuclear armed Iran, sending militants supplies to fight and kill our soldiers, send in special operations troops to kill our men and women in uniform who are working with the Iraqi people to establish a democratic nation. (Heck, this list could go on forever)
No, what ticks them off is that he is against gay. That's right. Oh, and womens rights. Does this make ANY sense to you?! I mean sure, oppression of people due to sex or orientation is bad. (I may not agree with homosexuality, but a person has a right to a personal life. They may have to answer to God later, but that is their choice)
But it baffles me how people can be so stupid.
Well, thats my rant for now
The San Francisco Conservative
election 08,
election 08',
san francisco
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