Sunday, October 21, 2007

San Francisco Finally Tired Of Bums?

Never thought I would live to see the day when the liberals in this city were forced to recognize the growing problem with bums in this city. Well, why now, you might ask. The answer is simple really. San Franciscans love to put off problems until a later time. They are self serving individuals who only care about making themselves feel good instead of actually solving a problem.

San Francisco's policy towards these wretches has been to keep them generally contained. Out of site and out of mind right? Just like sweeping dust under a carpet. Except when the dust builds up, it doesn't attack you kids on the way home from school, sell or take drugs on the streets.

San Francisco's hidden shame lies within a section of the city known as the Tenderloin. There, the police only pay attention as a matter of protocol. Maybe an arrest or two is made to show that they are still there. But, you can literally see where the Tenderloin ends and the rest of the city begins. As for the bums, well, begging is not illegal so they can go anywhere.

I would say that on a normal day, I am accosted at least a dozen or so times. I never give them a cent. In fact, I would prefer that they starve to death.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Did he really just say that? You bet I did. And I'll say it again without regret. I prefer they starve to death. "Who does this guy think he is?", one might ask. "Does he think he has more of a right to live than them?", another might ponder.

The answer is nothing short of humanitarian. The life of a bum is nothing but misery and despair. They are of no value to society. Heck , even manure can make crops grow and feed people. So to say that they are worth Sh#t, is to insult sh#t. No, I would like to see them starve for two reasons. One, starvation is a good motivator. If you have to choose between getting a job or education or starving to death, the answer just might be easier. Also, if they die, well, they won't be such a drag on society as influential in crime and it just might ease their suffering.

To me, putting a coin in a bums cup to make yourself feel better about yourself, while doing nothing more than giving him a few more hours in a miserable existence, is a form of torture in my opinion.

The problem with these liberals is that even though they realize that bums are a disaster for the city, they are clueless as to what to do about it. They will probably decide that we should throw more money at the problem to make it go away. This of course will mean that they will want to raise taxes (steal more from my paycheck). The problem will not go away, but hey, as long as they don't see the problem, it doesn't exist.

The San Francisco Conservative

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