Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Democrats: About as consistant as an inner city high schooler's period.

It is generally agreed that military service is a great point to have on your resume if you want to become President of the United States. Being Commander In Chief is a leadership role, and the military specializes in leadership and problem solving. Add that being in the military says that an individual is risking their lives for the safety of his fellow countrymen.

The thing about the Dems is that they seem to adore military service when it suits them. When George H.w. Bush touted his military history, the Clinton Clan claimed that military service did not mean anything. Then in 2004, John Kerry ran almost exclusively on his war record. The dems praised his service and said it was a great addition to his campaign. Now that Obama is going against McCain, suddenly military service does not seem to be important again.

Funny how things change so quickly. Funny, but not surprising.

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