Monday, October 27, 2008

How Obama will create a Super Class

Obama is for the little guy right? Well, there are gonna be a whole lot of little guys soon. Thing is, they will be former big guys. Or at least bigger guys. As with all socialist systems, the idea of running an economy on money does not disappear, but the amount of people getting the freedom to get a larger share of the pie decreases.

Small business owners around the country are holding their breath as it seems more and more likely that Barack Obama will win the presidency. Why, you might ask, are they afraid when Obama has repeatedly campaign in defense of the middle class? Simple, the ones who do not own their own business see no harm from taxing those who make more than 250,000 dollars a year. However, a business owner who does make more than 250,000 a year sees nothing but trouble ahead. He is not big enough to survive the economic fallout to come. It's not just the taxes or the demand to increase worker benefits, its things like the Employee Free Choice Act which will unionize small businesses. Bigger corporations can withstand union demands because they make so much money. But how do you think a smaller business will fare against such demands? They will have no choice but to lay people off. No other business, other than corporations will have the capital to hire employees, further filling the coffers of big business.

The thing about socialism is that it does not benefit the little guy. It keeps him little and makes the rich even richer. Look at China. With their introduction into the global market, the traditionally Communist government has turned into a socialist paradise. The party loyalists run everything and squash all possibilities of private growth. They do this by paying their workers less wages and keeping more money out of their pockets. Despite the government being large and having all the money, their schools educate them only to serve their Communist masters and discourage any thoughts of personal gain as greedy.

Couldn't happen here you say? Let's say Obama gets to do what ever he wants. Since the Democrats will soon be filibuster proof, that is more of a possibility. There are a few dirty tricks they will employ. One of the first is to enact a so called "voluntary" health care plan. It will of course tax the "rich" to allow the poor to afford health care. Not to shady, except with cheaper health care more people will drop their insurance to get the cheaper stuff. This will cost eventually spread to everyone as the cost is expected to be astronomical.

The next plan is more sinister. This will effectively limit all opposing views. It is known as the Fairness Doctrine. This doctrine is innocently passed off as a way to have broadcasters offer opposing views in equal time to all "controversial" topics. This doctrine is supported primarily by the left and seeks to target the one news source that liberals have not be able to successfully compete. Radio. Conservative talk radio to be exact. With the failure of Air America, the liberals answer to conservative talk radio, the liberals have instead decided to use its failure to bring down conservative talk radio.

How it will play out. As forced opposing views are required, the ratings of those radio shows will decrease along with the advertisers. Remember, it was the advertisers fear of losing money that got Don Imus cancelled a few years back. Imagine the same for all conservative talk radio.

The liberals have all of Hollywood, News and Newspapers in their pockets. The one last bastion of conservative opposition is on the radio. That bastion will come under attack. Secret government deals like the Dubai Ports deal, the Illegal Amnesty Bill and even the secret bailout that took place before the current 750 billion dollar wall street bailout and future bills like it will go through unopposed as any opposing voice will no longer have an ally.

In summation, Obama will destroy the middle class, thereby leaving the upper class unopposed. He will destroy oppositional thought and ensure that we all share the poverty.

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