Friday, August 22, 2008

Don't Socialize Medicine

You get what you pay for. Right now, I have a very dear family member in the hospital. He is being treated with great care and technology and is doing well. Such is the power of competative enterprise. Without it, the healthcare system would become stagnant. Of course his treatment will be pretty expensive, but money is no concern when it involves the ones you love.

I find it interesting that the politicians who want to socialize medicine, are themselves possessors of great wealth. They do not have to deal with the nightmare that is a government clinic. I have peace of mind because I know that he stands a better chance in a privately funded facility, than in a bureaucratic pit of darkness that public clinics often are.

This is not a diss against those who work in clinics, their zeal and dedication is truly admirable. But the point of living in a progressing nation is that we go forward in our advances, not backwards.

The next time you start to think that socialized medicine is a good idea, ask yourself if you think the government has ever done a good job providing education or jobs and think just how badly they could screw up the chances that YOUR loved ones may have of surviving the unthinkable.

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