Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why should they get reparations?

Honestly, no one has ever been able to properly explain to me how a person who was never directly affected by a person or group of persons who have been dead for over a hundred years should be paid a settlement. It would be like the grandson of a murderer going to jail for his grandfather's crimes. It just makes no sense to me or to anyone who does not live with their heads in the clouds.

Yes slavery was bad, but think of the accomplishments since that dark era. Equality has come a long way since then. Of course it's not perfect, but then again, what in life is?

What is left is not a discriminatory government, but rather a prejudice culture. Prejudice, like it or not, because the black community enforces these prejudices. They embody them and instead of denounce them, take pride in them. The black community demands that WE adapt to their whims. We however do not demand they adapt. But we do decide who and how we choose to associate with them and their community.

The black community stands for hand outs (affirmative action and reparations), sexual infidelity(just think, "My baby's mamma"), drug abuse(Pot and liquor abuse culture), female degradation, violence and obsessive greed(have you ever seen a rap video?). All of these cultural identities are not acceptable to the rest of society. That is why we guard our wallets when a man dressed as a hoodlum strolls next to us. This is why we are less than surprised when we hear of the staggering homicide rates in the ghettos. It is not because we are racist, it is because the black community is a walking billboard for prejudice.

No one is guaranteed anything in life. Whether you are white or black or Asian, you are not even guaranteed survival out of the womb. What we make, we make for ourselves. America has been ready for quite some time to heal the racial tensions, but we are waiting for the black community to heal itself, lest it infects the rest of us.

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