Friday, November 14, 2008

Anyone Else Getting This? Why Are We Being Coached By Democrats?

The very idea seems absurd to me. It would be as if we went to WWII and asked the Germans how the Allies could hope to win more battles. You think they are going to be honest? Even worse, they have on Democrat columnists and Loser Republicans. Republicans who say that we should move to the so called center. It didn't work out so well for them did it? Leave it to CCCPNN, Faux News and MSBDSM (OK, I'm having too much fun here) to say that the Republican party is not enough like the Democrat party.

They attribute this fact as our downfall when it really couldn't be further from the truth. The nation is sick of Center-Left policies, it's just that those policies have been implemented, to our shame, by the GOP. Bush increased spending and government interference, something you would expect a Democrat to do. So it is no wonder that we elected Barack Obama. He labeled the liberal policies of George Bush as Conservative and told America that it was time for "Change" by moving even further to the left. The people swallowed this tripe in large part because the GOP failed to educate them.

Obama didn't win this election, we lost it and handed this socialist our nation on a silver platter.

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