Thursday, June 26, 2008

Renaming the San Francisco Sewage Treatment Plant After President George W. Bush

Original Story: Here

I'm all for it. Quite frankly I think it is a great analogy. But…perhaps not the same way the San Franciscans thought. The sewage plant treats and purifies waste, it doesn't make it. San Franciscans do. So to have George W. Bush cleaning up after the liberal's endless tidal wave of shit seems a very fitting analogy.

Bush had to take care of the shit piled up during the Clintonian era when liberal loopholes in Airport security allowed the terrorists to board the planes that collapsed the twin towers on 9/11.

In fact, conservatives have a history of cleaning up heaping piles of liberal defecation. Ronald Reagan had to clean up after Jimmy Carter and only a Conservative will be able to clean up after Obama or McCain.

Let's add this to the liberal stupidity case file landfill.

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