Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hispanics say no bueno to McCain. Well, duh!

Original Story

Laugh with me now McCain. LAUGH, DAMN YOU! What have we been telling you for years? Pandering to the Hispanic agenda will not make them vote for you. The Hispanic community, just like ALL minority communities, are dependant on the Democrat party. The Democrats give them welfare checks, sanctuary cities and false hope. They are generational democrats. My own grandmother, who is as socially conservative as they come, still classifies herself as a Democrat. Why shouldn't she, her father and mother were ardent democrats and she was raised as a democrat.

Now look where it has left you. Alienated from your right wing base and nothing to gain from it. I hate to bring race into this, but you are just an ignorant old white coot. I mean, I honor you and your sacrifices, and yes you are better than Obama. But you are behind the curve in technology, out of touch with communities other than yours and seem determined to nuke every ally you have.

Abandon the leftist Hispanic vote and come back to the base. No to shamnesty, yes to borders and English as the official language of the United States.

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