Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why Palestinian Deaths Do Not Bother Me

Well, perhaps the title can be a bit misleading. Of course I absolutely abhor the deaths of innocent civilians, but I have always been one to look at situations with detached perspective. I understand that this can make me appear cold, but I have found that a practical approach resulting in a long standing solution, is more compassionate than accomplishing nothing and patting myself on the back for passing out the most fliers.

Take the San Francisco protesters for example. On Monday they staged a rally that did nothing more than block traffic for hours. I myself walked by a man wearing a modified Israeli flag on his chest with a swastika instead of the star of David. It's not the ironic use of a swastika on an Israeli flag, which makes no sense, it is the irony that the Palestinian people had elected Hamas, an organization recognized by the international community as a terrorist organization which has the destruction of Israel in their charter. The Palestinian people have essentially elected Nazi sympathizers into office.

This brings me to my point of looking at this in perspective. Although not everyone in Palestine voted for Hamas, there are consequences for the actions of a state or nation that determines the fate of its citizens. Germany elected the Nazi party in the 30's despite its overt anti-Semitic views. Over the following years, many German civilians would die in allied carpet bombings. Nazi supporter or not. One could argue that the German citizens were victims by a technicality, but it would be irrelevant when you consider the global intentions of the party and the man they elected to lead their nation.

No such thing as media Bias...

The home of the "Most Trusted Name in News" CCN has released the following:
Leadership Rating Best For New Chief Since Reagan
This is of course before he even takes office... Naw, no such thing as bias indeed.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The GM Union Bail Out: Short Of Sounding Like A Conspiracy Theorist

The first big victim of the Union Bailout Scam has been hit. Dayton Ohio will close it's GM plant, forever changing the landscape of a once thriving city. Many of the city's financial infrastructures are dependent on GM's business needs.

The image I have going in my head is of three men in suits, armed with assault rifles and wearing ski masks standing above about a dozen people kneeling and blindfolded. One of them is on the floor bleeding; he has been shot in the head. As the other hostages quake with fear one of the men in suits yells in a burly voice, "Alright, listen up! We demand 25 Billion dollars in unmarked bills or else the rest of these dopes are gonna take a dirt nap."

As some have mentioned, this entire bailout business is nothing more than the biggest heist in history. The cost to us, the tax payer, will be in the trillions and least for generations to come. What is peculiar about this is that this plant is the only one owned by GM that is not under control of the United Auto Workers. This stinks something rotten. So with this move, the UAW becomes the only union in charge of GM production and sends a message to Washington at the same time.

Meanwhile, the auto manufacturers not controlled by unions are not in such dire straits as the big three. Do you see the connection here? The unions are pulling the strings. These crooks are holding our economy hostage for billions of dollars. These same crooks openly endorsed Barack Obama for the presidency. The crooks of Wall Street also have deep connections to Obama. Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson were both CEOs of Fannie Mae and were key political and economic advisors during his presidential campaign.

The thing that is the funniest about this whole deal is that since most of the country, about ¾ of this country, are unhappy with the Bush administration, blame will forever be passable to his administration, even as they rob us blind. They will use this manufactured crisis to grow government and increase taxes. Yeah, this is "change" alright, from one set of crooks to another. Except these guys are bigger and claim to be champions of the "little guy".

Get ready America, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Anyone Else Getting This? Why Are We Being Coached By Democrats?

The very idea seems absurd to me. It would be as if we went to WWII and asked the Germans how the Allies could hope to win more battles. You think they are going to be honest? Even worse, they have on Democrat columnists and Loser Republicans. Republicans who say that we should move to the so called center. It didn't work out so well for them did it? Leave it to CCCPNN, Faux News and MSBDSM (OK, I'm having too much fun here) to say that the Republican party is not enough like the Democrat party.

They attribute this fact as our downfall when it really couldn't be further from the truth. The nation is sick of Center-Left policies, it's just that those policies have been implemented, to our shame, by the GOP. Bush increased spending and government interference, something you would expect a Democrat to do. So it is no wonder that we elected Barack Obama. He labeled the liberal policies of George Bush as Conservative and told America that it was time for "Change" by moving even further to the left. The people swallowed this tripe in large part because the GOP failed to educate them.

Obama didn't win this election, we lost it and handed this socialist our nation on a silver platter.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Move more to the center? I don't think so.

There is a war of ideals going on today. The fighting is within the Republican party and it is ferocious to say the least. On one side, there are the centrist blue blood country club republicans and on the other side are the social and fiscal conservatives.

I was just listening to Lou Dobbs and he had on a man who is pushing for the GOP to become more centrist. He was a former staff member of Rudy Giuliani, unfortunately I didn't remember his name. It was really funny to listen to really. Rush Limbaugh had mentioned that the media would make it a habit of bring on analysis of people who lost and ask them how their party can win. So in this case, it was the loser (Giuliani) who lost to the loser (McLame) telling us that conservatism doesn't work and that it can't win.

He went on to say that Social conservatives are a dying breed. He pulled some numbers out of his ass that McCain only won voters over 65 and voters in towns no larger than 50,000 in size. That may be true, but it doesn't mean that social conservatives are scarce, it just means that many social conservatives did not vote, or voted for Obama out of spite.

If it is true that Social conservatism is dying, then explain to me how in the biggest liberal state in the country, Proposition 8 (the vote to ban gay marriage) won the ballot. We won 52% against 48% and of those 48%, many may include people who still think homosexuality is wrong, but voted against it on more libertarian reasons of non intrusion. Heck even Obama himself, mister radical left wing has stated his opposition to homosexuality, even if they choose to vote in favor for non intrusion reason.

So don't try to tell me social conservatism is dead. This is a concentrated attack by the country club republicans to team up with the left wing media and destroy the traditionalist conservative movement. Our only response is to clear them out.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Germany marks pogrom that led to Holocaust

Original Story

"Germans and Israelis on Sunday marked the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Nazi-incited riots that began their campaign to destroy European Jewry, with ceremonies, concerts and vows to honor the victims with renewed vigilance."

Learning from history is something everyone should do. Certainly this event in history should be looked upon with the utmost scrutiny and caution. The following segment, however did raise a small alarm for me.

"Chancellor Angela Merkel recalled the Nov. 9, 1938 riots in which more than 91 German Jews were killed and more than 1,000 synagogues damaged, telling Germans that the lessons of the nation's past were crucial in confronting a current increase of xenophobia and racism."

She is of course referring t0 the obscene amount of foreign refugees being imported into Europe. Most of them Muslims. As Muslims riot for the inclusion of Sharia Law to be placed into existing European Law, many Europeans cannot help but feel that without assimilation, the growing immigrant population will eventually overtake Europe and force them all under Islamic rule.

Angela Merkel's comments concern me because the two events have little in common. The Jews were not fresh groups of immigrants, many had been in Germany and Europe for decades, if not hundreds of years. Many were proud Germans in fact. In addition to that, the false notion of racial superiority has nothing to do with the factual notion of cultural superiority. Superiority not being a racial or religious based philosophy, but one derived from the ideals of liberty and justice no matter your race, gender or creed. Those who hail themselves as Muslim and believe in religious freedom without reprisal is not thinking that way from a religious perspective, but from a perspective derived from the governing culture of western civilization. A Muslim who thinks otherwise is of a non-assimilated mindset and will seek to overthrow liberty and replace it with theocratic dictatorships.

In that way, the two situations are different. So while I agree that we should not be trying to set a blame on a people or group, as the Nazis did, we should also not overlook the differences in the two situations.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I told you, I f*ckin' told you!

Did I not say that Obama would not do anything to get out of Iraq? Well, you say, it's probably still on his list, but with the economy the way it is, he has more important things to worry about.

Wait a tick, one of the main arguments against the war in Iraq is that it is costing us too much money. Well, he could "end" the war and stop all that spending. Funny how you have heard nothing about ending the war in the last few months. In fact, you have heard the opposite from Obama. That the surge is working. His gripe is now focusing on Afghanistan.

Sorry followers of your lord Barack Obama. He will not end the war. He duped you. But of course we here on the right knew it was coming.

Monday, October 27, 2008

How Obama will create a Super Class

Obama is for the little guy right? Well, there are gonna be a whole lot of little guys soon. Thing is, they will be former big guys. Or at least bigger guys. As with all socialist systems, the idea of running an economy on money does not disappear, but the amount of people getting the freedom to get a larger share of the pie decreases.

Small business owners around the country are holding their breath as it seems more and more likely that Barack Obama will win the presidency. Why, you might ask, are they afraid when Obama has repeatedly campaign in defense of the middle class? Simple, the ones who do not own their own business see no harm from taxing those who make more than 250,000 dollars a year. However, a business owner who does make more than 250,000 a year sees nothing but trouble ahead. He is not big enough to survive the economic fallout to come. It's not just the taxes or the demand to increase worker benefits, its things like the Employee Free Choice Act which will unionize small businesses. Bigger corporations can withstand union demands because they make so much money. But how do you think a smaller business will fare against such demands? They will have no choice but to lay people off. No other business, other than corporations will have the capital to hire employees, further filling the coffers of big business.

The thing about socialism is that it does not benefit the little guy. It keeps him little and makes the rich even richer. Look at China. With their introduction into the global market, the traditionally Communist government has turned into a socialist paradise. The party loyalists run everything and squash all possibilities of private growth. They do this by paying their workers less wages and keeping more money out of their pockets. Despite the government being large and having all the money, their schools educate them only to serve their Communist masters and discourage any thoughts of personal gain as greedy.

Couldn't happen here you say? Let's say Obama gets to do what ever he wants. Since the Democrats will soon be filibuster proof, that is more of a possibility. There are a few dirty tricks they will employ. One of the first is to enact a so called "voluntary" health care plan. It will of course tax the "rich" to allow the poor to afford health care. Not to shady, except with cheaper health care more people will drop their insurance to get the cheaper stuff. This will cost eventually spread to everyone as the cost is expected to be astronomical.

The next plan is more sinister. This will effectively limit all opposing views. It is known as the Fairness Doctrine. This doctrine is innocently passed off as a way to have broadcasters offer opposing views in equal time to all "controversial" topics. This doctrine is supported primarily by the left and seeks to target the one news source that liberals have not be able to successfully compete. Radio. Conservative talk radio to be exact. With the failure of Air America, the liberals answer to conservative talk radio, the liberals have instead decided to use its failure to bring down conservative talk radio.

How it will play out. As forced opposing views are required, the ratings of those radio shows will decrease along with the advertisers. Remember, it was the advertisers fear of losing money that got Don Imus cancelled a few years back. Imagine the same for all conservative talk radio.

The liberals have all of Hollywood, News and Newspapers in their pockets. The one last bastion of conservative opposition is on the radio. That bastion will come under attack. Secret government deals like the Dubai Ports deal, the Illegal Amnesty Bill and even the secret bailout that took place before the current 750 billion dollar wall street bailout and future bills like it will go through unopposed as any opposing voice will no longer have an ally.

In summation, Obama will destroy the middle class, thereby leaving the upper class unopposed. He will destroy oppositional thought and ensure that we all share the poverty.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why Obama's "Sharing the Wealth" talk should immediately make you choose McCain

Sharing the wealth. Code word for Marxist policies. Policies that seek to "share the wealth" are failed, industrial aged policies. Some might ask, "What is wrong with sharing the wealth? The rich have too much money anyway." That may be, but consider the an adult. America is built on free trade, free thought and the promise of being in charge of your own future. If the government were to start imposing Marxist ideals into a free trade market, you will see a stagnation in production, ideas and profits.

Then there is the pure indignity of the Marxist system. I was raised to do things for myself. Yeah it's hard, but I would sooner work to death than rely on another to take care of me. Not only that, but the satisfaction of success is beyond anything else. When I accomplish something, I do it on my own. When I am involved in the accomplishment of something, then I expect a part of the success. But when I have nothing to do with success and demand a part of it because someone else has so much of it, then that is dishonorable.

For people who know me, I have used this story as an example a lot. For those of you who don't, I think you can understand the simple analogy of a childhood memory.

When I was 10, there was this show called the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. A show pretty much made for marketing toys. Regardless, I was 10 and didn't care. The toy I wanted was called the "Megazord" and it was very expensive. $80 to be exact. My family did not have a lot of money like the other kids. My allowance was about $10 a month which I had to do chores like mowing the lawn, doing dishes and taking out the trash on occasion.

My financial strife fueled my desire to make more money and get that toy. So I sought out more work to make more money. I got a paper route, did chores for my grandparents (they paid better than my parents) and within a few months, I had enough money to buy the Megazord. Well, we got to the toy store and I went to the counter to buy it. Then came a sudden shock. Tax. I was short because I needed the extra $5 to pay for the sales tax. My brother was with me, and in my desperation accepted his $5 (part of his allowance). It was only later that I would learn that my parents would now be convinced that we BOTH bought the toy and therefore HALF of it belonged to him. So I did all the work, paid about 95% of the cost and now only half of it belonged to me.

All in all, it was a stupid toy, but the point should be clear. There should not be some overseeing power that can forcefully take your profits and give it to someone who has not worked for it. Had I known that was going to happen I would have simply waited to get the extra money myself, or possibly, not try to get it at all. It is the later that I fear coming into play in our economy. People no longer reaching for the stars because the Government will simply take away what THEY decide s/he does not "need". Those who are already rich will seek to spend and make their money elsewhere (in a different, more friendly country) and the people will reap the results of socialism. The spreading of POVERTY. This is what Obama wants. This is why he MUST lose.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wait Wait....We're Mean?

The leftist media has been saying that McCain and republican supports have taken to being mean spirited. Of course the Obama campaign is free of negative supporters right?

If you believe that, I've got some oxygen to sell you at a great price!. Never before in MY LIFE, have I seen such hatred towards someone as much as the left hates Palin. Tshirts calling her the "C" word are made. Unwarranted Incest jokes are hurled and God help you if you happen to wear glasses similar to her. Yes, even people who look like her are teased.

But of course the media is quick to look the other way. For those of us in the real world, the onslaught of liberal hatred is a very real and very constant reality. I wonder how they will react if we (GOP) wins this thing.

One thing is for certain, I don't think politics will ever be the same again.

McCain says he is a fighter, I am skeptical

John McCain today told voters they should elect him because America needs a
fighter. "I will fight to take America in a new direction from my first day in
office until my last. I'm not afraid of the fight, I'm ready for it," McCain
said at a rally in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A McCain aide said the rally marks
a return to "basics."

How can we expect him to be a fighter when he can't even fight his opponent? The thing about people who try to be friends with everyone is that they are friends of no one.

Don't feel like writing a long blog today. Too exhausted.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Be Strong, Not Mean Mr. McCain

Our liberalized society has over the years grown intolerant of harsh realities. Prepubescent minded adults complain about how unfair the world is. They complain so much, that they believe anyone who spouts fairy tale Utopian gunk from the podium (IE Obama). My friend, an Obama supporter, God bless his ignorant brain, is convinced that once Obama becomes President, all of our enemies (who of course to a liberal nimrod, believes that the evil out there was caused by us) will want to reconsider their ways. The islamofascists will want to talk instead of saw off heads of innocent prisoners while they are still alive. North Korea will, in all it's communist glory, throw away their oppressive government system, which they only enacted to protect their citizens from being corrupted by ideals of American greed. The world will love us again, the polar ice caps will be reborn so that penguins and polar bears can fornicate to Jerry Garcia and all will be right with the world.

My point is, these people live in fairly land. In my world, in John McCain's world and in the world of your average conservative, thousands of people lost their lives on 9/11, Islamofacists make no mention of capitalism or greed, rather Islamic world domination. Like all dictatorships, North Korea seeks nukes as leverage so they can assure their rule does not come to an end. And the liberal courts grant rights to our enemies who fight to destroy rights.

It is not a pretty thing, but it is as real as it gets. McCain needs to express that. The problem is that he can come off mean, and he probably is. Regardless, the media would portray him as a jerk, even if he weren't. Americans, the undecided moderates anyway, may not like partisanship or anger, but they love leadership and patriotism. McCain has that in spades. If only he would spend more time talking about how great our nation is, in contrast to Obama's gloom and hatred for what this country stands for.

He needs to stop focusing on how many times he betrayed the conservative values to show everyone just how bi-partisan he is (which is what Obama wants). Stand up for America! Take charge. Ignore Obama and his fanatics. They do a good job of making fools of themselves. Focus on the realities not your relationship to GWB.

America is in a financial crisis. The vultures responsible for it have been put in charge of fixing it. GWB as well as the GOP fought to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the DEMS stood in the way. We want a leader, Mr. McCain. Moderates want a leader, not a panderer. Obama doesn't pander, he has one of the worst bipartisan records in the senate. 96 Percent voting on party lines, yet he is still more popular. Throw your pre-information age common sense out the window and fight like hell in 08'.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McCain: So we cool, dawg? .... Not exactly

I have made my choice to vote for McCain. It was refreshingly challenging to actually think about the consequences of my vote. I weighed voting, not voting and getting others to vote McCain while I held my vote in protest.

I agree with McCain on a slew of issues. There are other things I disagree with him on. Immigration and campaign financing to name a couple. But on the war, yes. Taxes, Yes. Abortion, Yes. Traditional Marriage, Yes. His choice for VP, Yes.

The issues on Obama however, I cannot think of any issue I agree with. The War, No. Abortion, No. Affirmative Action, No. Reparations, No (He said he does not believe in Reparations, which is true, but only because his extremely leftist mind thinks reparations are TOO LITTLE), Immigration, No. Foreign Policy, No. Health care, No. In fact, give me an issue he stands by and you will hear nothing by, "NO" from me.

But don't think I will let old Johnny off the hook. His pick of Sarah Palin did not please me because she is conservative. It pleased me because it showed his ability to listen to his base. I am not saying to be controlled by his base, but that he has the ability to listen to the people. We conservatives also took stances against the current President, GWB, on issues like port security, immigration (in which he was agreement with John McCain, and Ted Kennedy **shudder**), and Harriet Miers.

If McCain tries to give the Illegals amnesty, we will be there to knock him down (along with the democrats who will try to knock anything he does down because they are petty weak creatures).

I will be voting for Senator McCain, and I have even volunteered my time for his campaign. But don't think I won't call him on anything remotely liberal that he tries.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Dems Are Confused, the Right Is Fired Up

Sarah Palin's selection in the GOP Veepstakes has surprised a lot of people. Especially the left. So certain that she will doom McCain's campaign, they talk about her as a choice endlessly. In fact, I am at work typing this and I am currently listening to my ultra leftist co workers try to figure out McCain's pick. Conspiracy theories are running wild, discussions of her so called inexperience are being thrown about and heads are spinning. They talk more about her than Obama's acceptance speech.

I for one am trying to figure out this pick as well. I know there is a strategy out there somewhere. And it ain't trying to get the women vote. Behind every simple intention lies a more complicated strategy.

What I can say about the pick is that it succeeded to do at least two things. Energize the conservative base and still distance the campaign from the Washington insider image.

I look forward to seeing more of this as it unfolds.

Friday, August 29, 2008

My Theory As To Why McCain Chose Palin

I think I got it. I think I got why McCain chose Sarah Palin. This is just a theory mind you. Sarah Palin is a relative newbie, and since no one knows her, it is the first thing people bring up. The fear, according to Democratic Strategist Paul Begala in his article on CNN.COM, is that she, being a Governor of Alaska for only two years, that she is inexperienced and unfit to fill the role of President should the unthinkable happen to McCain in office. That was my question as well. I am sure that this will be the dominant question on every ones mind.

Now, let's take a step back. Who do we know that has little more experience than Sarah Palin and is not running for Vice President, but for President of the United States? Who else but Barack Obama? Her selection has brought qualification into the mix. Perhaps, according to my theory, that is what her selection was supposed to do. As demonstrated by Paul Begala's article, the dems may have taken the bait.

They themselves have raised the issue of qualification. If you think about it, should Barack or Joe Biden question her qualifications, she can simply snap back, "Well, I have almost as much experience than Barack Obama".

Wha--? I don't get it

You know, you just can't go to bed anymore knowing how you will react tomorrow. I remember on 8-7-08 wondering how they were going to cover the 08' Olympics. I turned on the news Friday morning and instead of seeing an opening ceremony, I saw Russian tanks rolling into Georgia.

Now today, I can recall thinking about who McCain will pick to be his VP. I personally was pulling for Mitt. I value his economic experience, and thought his expertise in dealing with economies and working with the dems in the liberal state of Massachusetts was invaluable. I even understood the possibility of a woman VP through Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I had no problem with that. I don't have a problem with gender. Heck, I would vote for a black woman if she were conservative.

So it was an immense surprise to me when McCain picked this relative newbie to be his VP. She has some time as a mayor of a small city and was Governor of Alaska for two years, but is that enough experience should McCain fall ill or God forbid, die while in office? Would she be ready to lead the free world?

Inexperience is Obama's main flaw and we were good at exploiting it. Now McCain goes out and chooses someone who, while more experienced that Obama, is certainly not a heavyweight politician. A strong VP choice would have solidified his resume to the American People, now it seems he may have weakened himself. Perhaps he thinks a female voter boost will compensate for that. But only time will tell.

As for me, I do not know enough about her to make any criticisms, so I guess I will have to see how this plays out.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Would They Have Taken It Down If It Were Muhammad?

Art Mocks Crucifixion

There really is a double standard here people. I personally believe in freedom of speech and as long as the taxpayers are OK with their tax money going to support such blasphemy, I can see no real reason to take it down, offended as I am.

But my gripe is that this mockery is only done in excess to Christianity. The Muslims are violently outspoken, and it is that fear that ensures that such works of art are not permitted. If they are to mock Christianity, then let them mock Islam, Judaism and Buddhism as well with the same disrespect.

But no, you will not see that. Perhaps if a few Christians decided to bomb the building, it would be taken down. Thank goodness they don't. We don't want to stoop to that level.

Liberal Insensitivity-Beyond Belief

One thing living in San Francisco has taught me, is that liberals are not as much compassionate as they are apathetic to things they cannot see. This liberal city touts its left wing "achievements" yet has the shameful designation as the country's leader in sex slave populations with as much as 50,000 estimated to reside within San Francisco County.

In addition to this human rights tragedy, San Francisco loves to boast its treatment of the homeless, while thousands of poverty stricken individuals beg for money on the streets or line up for their meager food from a local church. For about 30 years, San Francisco has been uninhibited by any so called "republican interference", yet poverty, slavery and loss freedoms are abundant. What have they been doing these last few decades? Well, I'll tell you. They have been banning the use of plastic bags, Styrofoam and trans fats. The raids on so called, "massage parlors" which often keep the women virtual prisoners, forced into sexual relations with paying patrons, are nothing but symbolic, as it is rare for a raid to even occur, let alone, be enough to close them down.

In San Francisco, you can make millions of dollars a year, drink your lattes and enjoy your wine and cheese parties. You talk badly about George W. Bush, lavish over your vote to make the world a better place since you voted to keep the San Francisco government the way it is. Soon as you come down from your lofty flats onto the streets of San Francisco, you can give a dollar to a homeless man and feel good about yourself as he uses that money for drugs, liquor and unnourishing fast food as he slowly starves to death, day in and day out. But perhaps not as quickly since you had the good mercy to ban trans fats.

It really is odd how this city is truly two sided. I can go on forever about how beautiful the buildings are, or how diverse the cultures are or even how amazing the food is (and it is). But I could also go on longer with my disgust of liberalism in its true form. Unapologetically arrogant, infinitely naive and apathetically cruel to all who are not like them.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Don't Socialize Medicine

You get what you pay for. Right now, I have a very dear family member in the hospital. He is being treated with great care and technology and is doing well. Such is the power of competative enterprise. Without it, the healthcare system would become stagnant. Of course his treatment will be pretty expensive, but money is no concern when it involves the ones you love.

I find it interesting that the politicians who want to socialize medicine, are themselves possessors of great wealth. They do not have to deal with the nightmare that is a government clinic. I have peace of mind because I know that he stands a better chance in a privately funded facility, than in a bureaucratic pit of darkness that public clinics often are.

This is not a diss against those who work in clinics, their zeal and dedication is truly admirable. But the point of living in a progressing nation is that we go forward in our advances, not backwards.

The next time you start to think that socialized medicine is a good idea, ask yourself if you think the government has ever done a good job providing education or jobs and think just how badly they could screw up the chances that YOUR loved ones may have of surviving the unthinkable.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Greetings from the White Party

Of course everyone knows that the Republican Party is all about white people. I mean, its just so obvious. Heck, I'm not even really Hispanic, I just pretend I am. Heck, I even managed to fake being born to a Hispanic mother. I tell ya, finding a Hispanic actress willing to birth me was tough, but heaven help me I did it.

OK, enough sarcasm. Howard Dean, head of the DNC and poster boy for the Aryan nation, has not so subtly "stumbled" on his words referring to the GOP as the "white" party. Of course this is the party that was historically formed on the virtues of abolitionism which freed the slaves. Important to remember is that more Democrats were against desegregation than republicans during the civil rights movement, and more democrats were against military action against Hitler and his Nazi thugs. Even the KKK has its roots in partnership with the southern Democratic party to keep "white power" in place in the south.

Howard Dean is nothing but a racist bigot. A head of the Democrat Slave Machine that helps keep minorities in poverty while claiming to champion their best interests. Of the most impoverished minority communities, you will find dog liberal democrats in charge.

Here in San Francisco, almost all of the local politicians associated with the GOP are minorities who are running against incumbent WHITE democrats.

Howard Dean should be denounced for his insensitive remarks. Remarks, that to me, seem to suggest that a minority cannot be a God fearing, freedom loving, socially conservative republican because of the color of my skin. However, they will not renounce him, because at its core, the DNC profits from minority ignorance and they will continue to profit from ignorance until ignorance is eliminated. Luckily from them, they have the support of the failed public education system.

Monday, August 18, 2008

On The Hawaiian Palace Hijack

For those of you who do not know, people who claim that the State of Hawaii (formerly the kingdom of Hawaii) should be given back to the Hawaiian people and have the monarchy restored have instead decided to take it. For this reason, a group of native Hawaiians have taken the Hawaiian Palace (Iolani Palace) briefly in a political stunt.

I think they are stupid, selfish and naive. I myself am native Hawaiian, and like many people in Hawaii, native or not, I believe that Hawaii being a member of the United States in much better than returning to monarchy. Whether the inclusion of Hawaii into the United States was right or wrong is 100 percent irrelevant.

Hawaii is a state now, and a vast majority of its inhabitants feel that it is the way it should stay. In fact, many of them, like myself, are proud Hawaiians who are also patriotic Americans.

These separatist buffoons would gladly turn our land back into a monarchy, taking the power away from the people, and giving it to those who do not respect the will of the people. If they did respect the people's will, they would not be trying to reverse our land's great progress.

If they truly want to make a difference for the lives of our Hawaiian people, they would instead devote themselves to charity for helping to educate our vastly uneducated youth, encourage education in their heritage and culture as well as important educational skills, provide nutrition and fitness assistance for those effected by extreme poverty and teach the keiki (children) that they have all been born equal, so that no single man or woman could claim unchecked dominion over them.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Peace Kills: Part 1

Peaceniks are the worst people on earth. They have caused more atrocities and allowed more people to suffer than so called "War Hawks". It is so easy for those living in safe conditions, like the United States or in Europe to chant, "Give peace a chance".

First case
There was no war during the cold war between Russia, China and America, yet during the cold war, over 150,000,000 innocent civilians perished under Soviet rule. Whether in the gulags or out of starvation, or good ol' fashion class cleansing. Take into account that during the Holocaust a total of 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated. The atrocities of innocent life compared to another simply dwarfs the idea that peace equates to life and liberty.

Second case
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two cities destroyed by Atomic weapons. Total deaths, estimated at over 350,000. Some in the US are actually sorry about the attacks. So while I certainly do not take joy in the fact that 350,000 innocent men women and children died in those bombings, a rational human being must regard the 10,000,000 innocent Chinese civilians, raped, tortured and murdered by Imperial Japanese forces and it becomes apparent that this empire needed to fall. Also, it is estimated that in order to launch an invasion of mainland Japan, American losses would have totaled between 500,000 and 1,000,000.

Why I admire the atom bomb
The Soviet Union and the United States along with Europe faced the possibility of another world war shortly after the second one ended. What kept the Allies from launching attacks on Moscow or Red Army troops from crossing into Alaska? Mutual fear of an atomic strike. The thing most people do not understand is that the weapons purpose is to never use it. An international insurance policy if you will. With technology advancing as it did during WWII, modern global imperialism was more a reality then than it had ever been before. The nuclear stand off kept a much bloodier world war from taking place potentially saving hundreds of millions of lives.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why should they get reparations?

Honestly, no one has ever been able to properly explain to me how a person who was never directly affected by a person or group of persons who have been dead for over a hundred years should be paid a settlement. It would be like the grandson of a murderer going to jail for his grandfather's crimes. It just makes no sense to me or to anyone who does not live with their heads in the clouds.

Yes slavery was bad, but think of the accomplishments since that dark era. Equality has come a long way since then. Of course it's not perfect, but then again, what in life is?

What is left is not a discriminatory government, but rather a prejudice culture. Prejudice, like it or not, because the black community enforces these prejudices. They embody them and instead of denounce them, take pride in them. The black community demands that WE adapt to their whims. We however do not demand they adapt. But we do decide who and how we choose to associate with them and their community.

The black community stands for hand outs (affirmative action and reparations), sexual infidelity(just think, "My baby's mamma"), drug abuse(Pot and liquor abuse culture), female degradation, violence and obsessive greed(have you ever seen a rap video?). All of these cultural identities are not acceptable to the rest of society. That is why we guard our wallets when a man dressed as a hoodlum strolls next to us. This is why we are less than surprised when we hear of the staggering homicide rates in the ghettos. It is not because we are racist, it is because the black community is a walking billboard for prejudice.

No one is guaranteed anything in life. Whether you are white or black or Asian, you are not even guaranteed survival out of the womb. What we make, we make for ourselves. America has been ready for quite some time to heal the racial tensions, but we are waiting for the black community to heal itself, lest it infects the rest of us.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Then starve the bastard.


He's worried about pain? Fuck, he raped and murdered two women. Now this fat ass waste of human life is worried that his own fat ass might make his already overly humane death sentance too painful? Then starve his murding ass until he is thinner. Nothing but bread and water while he awaits execution. Honestly, this is what is giving rise to atrocious acts. Compassion for monsters.

No compassion for monsters like him. If you must abide by his plea, at least force him to lose the weight. Then execute him.

VP? He don't need no stinkin' VP!

Why, the only VP that would be suitable for Barack Obama is a Barack Obama clone. How can anyone even THINK about trying to pick someone to take over Barack Obama should the unfortunate happen? There can be only ONE. Since Barack may be making history here, why not let Barack Obama be his own running mate? If he picks someone from Washington, then his pure, incorruptible image might be marred. And for a man who never flip flops, that could be bad for his campaign. Did Jesus have a VP? Or how about Muhammad? No, then why should Barack Obama?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The nerve of some people


These monsters kill over 200 hundred civilians in a terrorist attack and they have the nerve to ask for a painless execution. They have been sentenced to death by firing squad, and complain that sometimes the condemned do not die fast enough causing unnecessary suffering. Unnecessary suffering?! They killed over 200 hundred innocent people. The explosions would have ripped many of them to shreds while leaving a few unlucky individuals alive to bleed to death or trying to gather their intestines in agony. A firing squad is too good for them. They should have their limbs hacked off and forced to watch as wild dogs devour them. Then they can slowly bleed to death. No mercy for monsters. Send them to hell in agony!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hispanics say no bueno to McCain. Well, duh!

Original Story

Laugh with me now McCain. LAUGH, DAMN YOU! What have we been telling you for years? Pandering to the Hispanic agenda will not make them vote for you. The Hispanic community, just like ALL minority communities, are dependant on the Democrat party. The Democrats give them welfare checks, sanctuary cities and false hope. They are generational democrats. My own grandmother, who is as socially conservative as they come, still classifies herself as a Democrat. Why shouldn't she, her father and mother were ardent democrats and she was raised as a democrat.

Now look where it has left you. Alienated from your right wing base and nothing to gain from it. I hate to bring race into this, but you are just an ignorant old white coot. I mean, I honor you and your sacrifices, and yes you are better than Obama. But you are behind the curve in technology, out of touch with communities other than yours and seem determined to nuke every ally you have.

Abandon the leftist Hispanic vote and come back to the base. No to shamnesty, yes to borders and English as the official language of the United States.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Democrats: About as consistant as an inner city high schooler's period.

It is generally agreed that military service is a great point to have on your resume if you want to become President of the United States. Being Commander In Chief is a leadership role, and the military specializes in leadership and problem solving. Add that being in the military says that an individual is risking their lives for the safety of his fellow countrymen.

The thing about the Dems is that they seem to adore military service when it suits them. When George H.w. Bush touted his military history, the Clinton Clan claimed that military service did not mean anything. Then in 2004, John Kerry ran almost exclusively on his war record. The dems praised his service and said it was a great addition to his campaign. Now that Obama is going against McCain, suddenly military service does not seem to be important again.

Funny how things change so quickly. Funny, but not surprising.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Oh Come On, Brits! Did you lose your spine after WWII?


You know, I really used to respect the British. One of the only nations willing to fight the forces of evil in this war on terror and over a thousand years of bad ass attitudes ranging from Richard the Lion Heart to Winston Churchill.

England is in a sad state of pathetic existence. Your identity is being stolen from a broader European standpoint, you kowtow to foreign immigrants on just about every stupid demand they make. How the mighty have fallen.

For me, it is horrible to see because this is what the liberals would love to see happen to our country. To lose our identity of our past heroism, culture and laws. I can see America in about a few decades ending up like England. Completely whipped and powerless, and it scares me to think of how this takeover will be so subtle.

We need to preserve our national identity. Already it is being diluted by this idea of "multi-culturalism". Not that having a cultural history different from America's is a bad thing. I myself have Hawaiian, Puerto Rican and Okinawan blood and value the uniqueness of their heritages. But I am an American first so it is important that I know how to speak and comprehend English, know the history of my country undiluted by political correctness, and fight against those who believe we should have to cater to them and their needs. This is our country.

To the British, I do not know how much longer you have. It may be too late, but if nothing else, may you be a lesson to us in America of the risks of non common sense immigration, political correctness and liberalism run amok.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Iran is a funny funny nation

Original Story:

"In comments that appeared in the semi-official Mehr news agency Sunday, an Iranian general said his troops were digging more than 320,000 graves to bury troops from any invading force with "the respect they deserve."
"Under the law of war and armed conflict, necessary preparations must be made for the burial of soldiers of aggressor nations," said Maj. Gen. Mirfaisal Baqerzadeh, an Iranian officer in charge of identifying soldiers missing in action."

Now who said Iranians lack humor, brains and common sense? Oh right, I did. But perhaps the 320,000 graves are a good thing. After all, we don't need to waste our time digging graves for them. We can use those instead.

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's so blatant, it's disgusting!

I remember in 04' when it was John Kerry versus Bush. The media and the liberal Hollywood elitists, spent all their time demonizing Bush with movies and biased new casts, only this time, they have decided to turn from a hate propaganda machine to a liberal love fest. I watch CNN from time to time (though not directly after eating, so that I do not vomit) and find their obsession with Obama to be extremely comical. When they talk about him, their eyes light up and they speak endlessly of his so called character and honestly. Hollywood even is planning an Obama movie. Sure, it may be released after the election, but the extent to which Obama is being shoved down our throats is sickening. The only thing to do is reject it and focus on who he really is, and what he stands for. Not what they tell us who he is and what he stands for.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gavin Newsome is a twit!

In San Francisco, which has some of the toughest handgun regulations in the
U.S., Mayor Gavin Newsom said the ruling "just flies in the face of reality. You
just wish the Supreme Court could spend a week in public housing and then come
out with this decision.
What an idiot. I live in low income housing in the Tenderloin (San Francisco's ghettos) and if anything, HE doesn't know what it is like to live in public housing. I live next door to drug addicts and drug dealers. I WISH I could get a gun to protect myself. But thanks to people like Gavin Newsome, I can't have a gun for fear of breaking the law, while those who have no problem breaking the law can do as they please. A great example of liberal elitist thinking.

Renaming the San Francisco Sewage Treatment Plant After President George W. Bush

Original Story: Here

I'm all for it. Quite frankly I think it is a great analogy. But…perhaps not the same way the San Franciscans thought. The sewage plant treats and purifies waste, it doesn't make it. San Franciscans do. So to have George W. Bush cleaning up after the liberal's endless tidal wave of shit seems a very fitting analogy.

Bush had to take care of the shit piled up during the Clintonian era when liberal loopholes in Airport security allowed the terrorists to board the planes that collapsed the twin towers on 9/11.

In fact, conservatives have a history of cleaning up heaping piles of liberal defecation. Ronald Reagan had to clean up after Jimmy Carter and only a Conservative will be able to clean up after Obama or McCain.

Let's add this to the liberal stupidity case file landfill.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Lessons I Learned From A Drunk Republican

I volunteered to help sign up citizens to vote last weekend behind a line of ironing boards acting as a portable table at the Union Street festival. As you could imagine, signing up Republicans in San Francisco would be met with resistance by the liberal elitists.

While there, I was accused of being a war monger, challenged by several liberals and even accused of wanting to "Lynch" little old ladies in the bay area. Needless to say, I had a blast. Call me crazy, but I rather enjoy the tension and confrontations.

With San Francisco being so one sided, it is nice to blast their single minded world view with a hefty dose of Conservatism. The poor close minded fools.

The day started to wind down with the festival and some people had already had a bit too much to drink. This included a middle aged Jewish Republican who decided to spend the next half hour talking about how disgraceful our showing (IE our shanty of a sign up desk made up of ironing boards) was.

He would slur, "Is thish the besht you republicans can get?! What are ya' even tryin' to do? Thish is pathetic!" The insults kept coming. And for some parts, I sympathized with him. The GOP after all has been shooting itself in the foot for over a decade now and the conservative base is weary of the GOP's waning from its core beliefs.

He asked what it was I hoped to accomplish behind the shabby table. I told him, "As much as I can." He laughed and told me it was pointless. A man scorned by his own party. It's not like I didn't relate. Here we have a lame excuse for a candidate who is almost as liberal as his opponents running under the Republican banner, continuing the dreadful course to liberalism, country club conservatism and rejection of conservative values.

I watched him whine and eventually he left. But it was his actions I learned from that day. Or rather his lack of action. Normally it would be a fight against the left and the Democrat party, but now and in the dark days ahead, it will be against the Democrats and the usurpers trying to destroy conservatism itself from within our own Republican Party.

Despite the grim task ahead, I am emboldened by great men like George Washington, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, George S Patton and Ronald Reagan, just to name a few, who went against even greater odds and emerged victorious.

I have made my decision to fight, ironing boards and all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Very Proud of Bush Today
His Speech in Israel

This is what we need. A powerful message free of political correctness.

Democracy is Dead in California

Instead of arguing the superiority of traditional marriage, I will approach this issue differently.

Today, four people in black robes overturned the will of MILLIONS of people. We are living in a dictatorship!

Seems this is the only way the leftists can get anything done. To bypass free will and dictate what is law based on their own views.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pray for Fitna

So far I have not been able to see the movie Fitna. In case you have been living under a rock for the last few months, the 17 long movie Fitna is about the radical side of Islam that has the Muslims going nuts. Though honestly, since cartoons and women being treated as equals is enough excuse for these savages to kill, no one should be surprised that a movie exploring the violent acts of Islam and the Korans promotion of such acts would really tick them off.

But what I did not expect was for freedom loving people to work so hard to deny the freedom of speech. I understand that they fear death. But true courage is the decision to do what is right despite fear.

I guess I should not expect any less. We have been bred to be weaklings by the far left who seek to destr0y us.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What words mean. Freedom of Speech Defined

Freedom of speech. It's great isn't it? No matter how much damage I think certain forms of speech cause, it is important to remember our responisibility as Americans to hold this important right near and dear to our hearts.

It's just a movie. It's just a song. It's just a play. Has anyone said something similar to you? Well I sure have. To the passive masses, this would seem true. But what do, "American Idiot", "Hair" and "Lions of Lambs" have in common? The excuse, "It's just entertainment".

Many patriotic Americans have had the wool pulled over their eyes while chanting the leftist mantra, "It's just entertainment". It's not just entertainment, it is the calculated assault of leftist anti-American propaganda coated in the guise of entertainment. Their product has a purpose and a message that is specifically aimed at enforcing the rule of law that has supported all Draconian dictatorships. The law that states, "If you say a lie long enough and loud enough, eventually it will become true". What better way for a lie to be said enough and loud enough than when it is in the top 10 of the music charts?

I am rarely surprised by the propaganda tactics of the fascist left anymore. But I amazed at how well they have been able to convince the nation that it is close minded to disagree with their marxist messages. They have effectively convinced the patriots to lower their guard. I mean who cares if Julia Roberts supports infanticide, right? Who cares if Rage Against the Machine insults Christians? Who cares if Michael Moore's movies are requested in bulk by Hamas to further indoctrinate their youth? You obviously don't. You would allow this nation to crumble just to protect your image as an "Open minded individual". So instead of standing for what you believe, you accept the unacceptable and promote the damaging filth that seeks to destroy our republic.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hail Obama! Take your pick, Obamists or Obamites

Rarely can you find such fanaticism nowadays that isn't tied to religion or fascism. Obama is these poor souls savior. Blind followers who are devoted to, "change", even if they do not know exactly how. But far be it for us to even dare to ask how from the Mocha Messiah.

Often times in hardships, or at least perceived hardships, the most radical of people often find themselves in positions of power when they exploit the emotions of the troubled masses. Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro are only a few dictators who come into mind when the going gets rough.

Well, if Obama wins, it will partially be our fault. Bush has been a poor example of true conservative leadership and has damaged the image of the party. Over the last eight years, Bush has been on the lips of the ivory tower pinheads preaching down to the impressionable youth who seek higher education and instead receive political re-education. The media and entertainment industry was an excellent propaganda machine and still is as they praise Obama night and day.

Obama in some ways has my respect as a true example of propaganda at its worst. The unstoppable combination of secrecy, charm and danger. But much like the Ron Paul fanatics, anything bad about his past is instantly turned into a conspiracy theory cooked up by everyone from Oil companies to right wingers.

Heck, why not just let Obama avoid paying taxes. He's practically a religion. My friend is an rabid Obama supporter. He is constantly trying to get me to vote for Obama because of my disgust with McCain. Now, I may want to deport McCain to Mexico and revoke his citizenship, but it's not like I like Obama any better.

The difference between people like me and Obamists, is that I know that my candidates are human, they are corruptible and sometimes down right sleazy. In fact, that is why I am conservative. To keep government small so that when sleaze-bags do manage to get into office, the damage they can do is severely lessened. Unlike the liberals who see government as the end all, be all, solution to the problems of the world. So when I see the wonder in their pot reddened eyes, clasping their hearts for their savior, Barack Hussein Obama, it almost breaks my heart.

One thing I do take away from his popularity is that our country is in distress. Only through extreme fear, poverty or dissatisfaction can people like Obama thrive.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

An important time in our generation for the next generation

What is a Republican? Should one who considers himself a Republican even ask such a question? My friends, the party is in distress and we are approaching a turning point in our party's history. Many of you, whether Republican, Democrat or other, know how distressed the conservative base of the Republican base is when it comes to the issue of our front runner, John McCain.

John McCain represents what is wrong with this party in general. A desperate to please, group of establishment Republicans have hailed his coming and pushed for true conservatives to embrace him as our leader, despite his history of backstabbing and liberal behavior.

This last Friday, the California Republican Party held its spring convention right here in San Francisco. I volunteered my time to help out with the banquet. Essentially, I collected tickets at the front door. Nothing glamorous, but I like to help out when I can. The event was itself very nice and I got to see a few well known faces speak.

I wore a tan blazer with two pins on my lapel, one a pin with a Republican elephant on it. The pin said, Proud California Republican (I hope that does not put me in the same position as Schwartzanegger) and one American Flag pin that I made sure was positioned over the Republican pin. After all, my alliagence is to this country, not the party. And as long as the party continues to represent the best interest of the nation, I will support that party.

That is what brings me to this current state of dispair. I feel that a wide base of the Republican Party is so affraid of a Clinton or Obama administration that they are willing to settle for someone they do not want. This can be disasterous for the party and the country in general. We, the proud conservative base, boast our resistance to terrorist threats. We will not be moved to action by threats. But that is what is happening within our own party. The McCain camp is intent on convincing us that even if we do not agree all the time, he would be better than an evil Hillary or Obama ticket.

Fear works on the weak minded Mr. McCain, but not the objective minded conservatives who have bravely broken ranks with the establishment Republicans to say, "No!". My hatred for Hillary will not be enough to push me in your direction. To quote General George S. Patton, "I would rather have the Germans in front of me instead of the French behind me." I want to have the enemy in my sight. Not representing MY party.

Lets look at things realistically here. I will remain a Republican, and a proud one at that. To share the same party title as Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater is a great honor to me. And it is that honor that makes me so certain that we as a party cannot accept a status quo. We cannot be bullied by fear coming from our own party members. And we cannot vote for McCain.

Let us swallow our pride and prepare for 2010 and 2012 which, by then should have sent a clear message to the Party. We want conservative leadership, not an altamatum. We want a Republican, not a RINO. We survived Clinton for 8 years, we can do it again if neccessary.

Friday, February 1, 2008

If McCain wins

If Senator John "RINO" McCain wins the party's nomination, then my faith in the Republican party will be extremely damaged. I may not even vote. Or worse yet, consider voting for.......Hillary. BLEAH!!!

I never, ever thought I would say such a thing. Such is my disgust with McCain. I would rather have an enemy in the White House, than an enemy who claims to by my ally. I am hoping for a Romney victory, but even then I will not be as happy.

The shame is that this year I finally registered as a declared Republican for the first time. I had always been a conservative individual who always voted Republican, but I never joined because I am not a party loyalist Per Se. I am an American first and foremost. If anyone tries to destroy my country, they will find me in their way. If the Republican party decides that it is more important to win elections, even with the wrong individuals, then I will have to fight them as well.

It's sad really. I was just named the San Francisco Republican Party's volunteer of the month. So it's not as if I am just some closet liberal. I love what the party traditionally stands for. I hate what it is becoming.

No more will I allow the argument of, "choosing the lesser of two evils" dictate how I vote. But it may be important, as my father had mentioned, that we get our butts kicked a little to empower the conservative base. Maybe we need a few years of Clinton to enrage the right and get it back on track.

Well, if McCain gets nominated, it will be a lose lose situation. And when the country starts to crumble, I would rather it be a Democrat in the hot seat instead of a Republican.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Meeting with the San Francisco Young Republicans

What a breath of fresh air. Last night I was able to finally attend a SFYR meeting. I have lived in SF for over a year, and during that time, I have had contact with nothing but Bush bashing, GITMO hating, pro tax, pro infanticide, pinko Commie leftists, and despite my tolerant nature, it was honestly starting to get to me.

Since here in the city, the amount of liberals is tantamount to the number of sands in the Sahara, the SFYR meeting was like an oasis. I had the pleasure of meeting many young, like minded individuals who were more than happy to have me there. In a packed section of Azul's near Union Square, we mixed and mingled while sipping drinks.

This was my first meeting of the sort, and I was half expecting a classroom-like situation. I would have been fine with that too. But the friendly atmosphere in that bar was very nice. A few drinks later we went over voting stances for the local ballots. The special speaker for the night was a member of the Giuliani campaign.

From what I gathered, many of them were not too happy with the mostly moderate contenders in the current GOP race. Many of us, including myself wished for another Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater to sweep us off our feet and save this nation from another term of do-nothing politics.

I was a little upset to learn that all these monthly meetings occur on Tuesday nights, and I have night classes to attend. Regardless, I look forward to special events on the weekends and have even volunteered to help register voters this Saturday at the Ferry building near the financial district of San Francisco.

Well, until next time,


The San Francisco Conservative.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pot Religion

Pot is not addictive, pot is not harmful, pot does not control your actions. BULLSHIT! Living in San Francisco gives me a daily exposure to pot culture and the three statements above are complete lies. While it is true that some people are not as addicted to pot as some other mind altering narcotics, nevertheless, when you see a pot smoker offered some pot and s/he has not smoked in a while, their eyes will light up, their mouths salivate and they will utter something like, "Oh my God, I haven't had a hit in so long!" In fact, a friend of mine, who is constantly high, explains that he cannot function without pot and that he gets withdrawals.

Living on the outskirts of the Tenderloin (The bad part of the city) has shown me the harmful effects of smoking weed as well as the damaging effects of liberalism. Pot stifles creativity, motivation and personal responsibility. What could be more harmful than that? Studies now show a pattern of mental problems occurring in repeat pot smokers. And ask any worker at a rehabilitation center how their patients are, and they will tell you some of the saddest stories told.

Finally, they insist that pot does not alter their minds. Again, I think that it is the drugs talking. How would they know how rational they are when they are too high to know any better? And even if they asked their friends, chances are, they were high too. I however, always pass on getting high. In all honesty, acting like an idiot does not appear on my "Things to do" List. I have seen completely rational people do things they normally would not do when high.

Oh, and don't even try to convince a pot head that pot is in any way, shape or form, harmful. They will fight back like a religious zealot. Today, the police suspected that pot might have been a factor in the recent tiger mauling at the SF zoo. To this, immediate, completely biased scoffs could be heard by pot heads in my office. To them, it is simply impossible that pot could have caused them to taunt the tiger.

Ok, so what is the point of this blog. To rip on pot heads? To boost my ego? No. If you smoke pot, that is your deal. I actually support legalization for financial reasons. But don't try to convince anyone that it does nothing. Don't lie to people and try to convince them that there would be no side effects. Especially since pot smoking is so popularized and children, who rarely ask why (With exceptions to the terrible twos) are the most at risk, and pots new recruits.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A new year, a new post. Thoughts of the campaign trail

Yes, it's the new year. It's also going to be a very political year. This is of course very interesting for me, and devistating for other members of my family who will now have to deal with the TV constantly being tuned onto Fox News, MSNBC and CNN (Yes, I watch all three). Both the left and the right will be considering this to be the race that determines the fate of our nation.

However, don't think that if a Republican wins, that everything will be great. There are a lot of RINOs in the race this year, and it is up to us to remind them that we pull the strings. We, the true conservatives.

McCain has always bugged me. Should he get in, his love fest with illegal immigrants and friendly relations to uber-leftists will have to be under close scrutiny.

I, like many other Republicans are still undecided. Quite frankly, I wish there was another choice. (And no, I don't mean Ron Paul) Out of all those running, I tend to like Romney and Thompson the best. But at any rate, I would vote for just about anyone other than Hillary or Obama.

We are not electing a king after all. Just because we get a GOP president doesn't mean that we can all start relaxing. Take Bush for example. If it were not for the powerful outrage against "shamnesty" and the appointing of leftist, Harriiet Myers and the support of giving our eastern ports to Dubai, Bush would have approved all those things.

Should the unthinkable happen and Hillary or Obama get in, it could in some ways be a blessing in disguise. Nothing, short of another terrorist attack on our soil can mobilize the right quite like a Hillary/Communist Healthcare scheme or Obama/Terrorist Love fest.