Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Meeting with the San Francisco Young Republicans

What a breath of fresh air. Last night I was able to finally attend a SFYR meeting. I have lived in SF for over a year, and during that time, I have had contact with nothing but Bush bashing, GITMO hating, pro tax, pro infanticide, pinko Commie leftists, and despite my tolerant nature, it was honestly starting to get to me.

Since here in the city, the amount of liberals is tantamount to the number of sands in the Sahara, the SFYR meeting was like an oasis. I had the pleasure of meeting many young, like minded individuals who were more than happy to have me there. In a packed section of Azul's near Union Square, we mixed and mingled while sipping drinks.

This was my first meeting of the sort, and I was half expecting a classroom-like situation. I would have been fine with that too. But the friendly atmosphere in that bar was very nice. A few drinks later we went over voting stances for the local ballots. The special speaker for the night was a member of the Giuliani campaign.

From what I gathered, many of them were not too happy with the mostly moderate contenders in the current GOP race. Many of us, including myself wished for another Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater to sweep us off our feet and save this nation from another term of do-nothing politics.

I was a little upset to learn that all these monthly meetings occur on Tuesday nights, and I have night classes to attend. Regardless, I look forward to special events on the weekends and have even volunteered to help register voters this Saturday at the Ferry building near the financial district of San Francisco.

Well, until next time,


The San Francisco Conservative.

1 comment:

Big Daddy G said...

Hello Mayor SFC,

I am glad that you will be able to attend the meetings. I think that you have a great future there, and that I know they will love you there.

Old man =O)