Friday, August 29, 2008

Wha--? I don't get it

You know, you just can't go to bed anymore knowing how you will react tomorrow. I remember on 8-7-08 wondering how they were going to cover the 08' Olympics. I turned on the news Friday morning and instead of seeing an opening ceremony, I saw Russian tanks rolling into Georgia.

Now today, I can recall thinking about who McCain will pick to be his VP. I personally was pulling for Mitt. I value his economic experience, and thought his expertise in dealing with economies and working with the dems in the liberal state of Massachusetts was invaluable. I even understood the possibility of a woman VP through Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I had no problem with that. I don't have a problem with gender. Heck, I would vote for a black woman if she were conservative.

So it was an immense surprise to me when McCain picked this relative newbie to be his VP. She has some time as a mayor of a small city and was Governor of Alaska for two years, but is that enough experience should McCain fall ill or God forbid, die while in office? Would she be ready to lead the free world?

Inexperience is Obama's main flaw and we were good at exploiting it. Now McCain goes out and chooses someone who, while more experienced that Obama, is certainly not a heavyweight politician. A strong VP choice would have solidified his resume to the American People, now it seems he may have weakened himself. Perhaps he thinks a female voter boost will compensate for that. But only time will tell.

As for me, I do not know enough about her to make any criticisms, so I guess I will have to see how this plays out.

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