Thursday, August 28, 2008

Would They Have Taken It Down If It Were Muhammad?

Art Mocks Crucifixion

There really is a double standard here people. I personally believe in freedom of speech and as long as the taxpayers are OK with their tax money going to support such blasphemy, I can see no real reason to take it down, offended as I am.

But my gripe is that this mockery is only done in excess to Christianity. The Muslims are violently outspoken, and it is that fear that ensures that such works of art are not permitted. If they are to mock Christianity, then let them mock Islam, Judaism and Buddhism as well with the same disrespect.

But no, you will not see that. Perhaps if a few Christians decided to bomb the building, it would be taken down. Thank goodness they don't. We don't want to stoop to that level.

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