Friday, August 29, 2008

My Theory As To Why McCain Chose Palin

I think I got it. I think I got why McCain chose Sarah Palin. This is just a theory mind you. Sarah Palin is a relative newbie, and since no one knows her, it is the first thing people bring up. The fear, according to Democratic Strategist Paul Begala in his article on CNN.COM, is that she, being a Governor of Alaska for only two years, that she is inexperienced and unfit to fill the role of President should the unthinkable happen to McCain in office. That was my question as well. I am sure that this will be the dominant question on every ones mind.

Now, let's take a step back. Who do we know that has little more experience than Sarah Palin and is not running for Vice President, but for President of the United States? Who else but Barack Obama? Her selection has brought qualification into the mix. Perhaps, according to my theory, that is what her selection was supposed to do. As demonstrated by Paul Begala's article, the dems may have taken the bait.

They themselves have raised the issue of qualification. If you think about it, should Barack or Joe Biden question her qualifications, she can simply snap back, "Well, I have almost as much experience than Barack Obama".

Wha--? I don't get it

You know, you just can't go to bed anymore knowing how you will react tomorrow. I remember on 8-7-08 wondering how they were going to cover the 08' Olympics. I turned on the news Friday morning and instead of seeing an opening ceremony, I saw Russian tanks rolling into Georgia.

Now today, I can recall thinking about who McCain will pick to be his VP. I personally was pulling for Mitt. I value his economic experience, and thought his expertise in dealing with economies and working with the dems in the liberal state of Massachusetts was invaluable. I even understood the possibility of a woman VP through Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I had no problem with that. I don't have a problem with gender. Heck, I would vote for a black woman if she were conservative.

So it was an immense surprise to me when McCain picked this relative newbie to be his VP. She has some time as a mayor of a small city and was Governor of Alaska for two years, but is that enough experience should McCain fall ill or God forbid, die while in office? Would she be ready to lead the free world?

Inexperience is Obama's main flaw and we were good at exploiting it. Now McCain goes out and chooses someone who, while more experienced that Obama, is certainly not a heavyweight politician. A strong VP choice would have solidified his resume to the American People, now it seems he may have weakened himself. Perhaps he thinks a female voter boost will compensate for that. But only time will tell.

As for me, I do not know enough about her to make any criticisms, so I guess I will have to see how this plays out.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Would They Have Taken It Down If It Were Muhammad?

Art Mocks Crucifixion

There really is a double standard here people. I personally believe in freedom of speech and as long as the taxpayers are OK with their tax money going to support such blasphemy, I can see no real reason to take it down, offended as I am.

But my gripe is that this mockery is only done in excess to Christianity. The Muslims are violently outspoken, and it is that fear that ensures that such works of art are not permitted. If they are to mock Christianity, then let them mock Islam, Judaism and Buddhism as well with the same disrespect.

But no, you will not see that. Perhaps if a few Christians decided to bomb the building, it would be taken down. Thank goodness they don't. We don't want to stoop to that level.

Liberal Insensitivity-Beyond Belief

One thing living in San Francisco has taught me, is that liberals are not as much compassionate as they are apathetic to things they cannot see. This liberal city touts its left wing "achievements" yet has the shameful designation as the country's leader in sex slave populations with as much as 50,000 estimated to reside within San Francisco County.

In addition to this human rights tragedy, San Francisco loves to boast its treatment of the homeless, while thousands of poverty stricken individuals beg for money on the streets or line up for their meager food from a local church. For about 30 years, San Francisco has been uninhibited by any so called "republican interference", yet poverty, slavery and loss freedoms are abundant. What have they been doing these last few decades? Well, I'll tell you. They have been banning the use of plastic bags, Styrofoam and trans fats. The raids on so called, "massage parlors" which often keep the women virtual prisoners, forced into sexual relations with paying patrons, are nothing but symbolic, as it is rare for a raid to even occur, let alone, be enough to close them down.

In San Francisco, you can make millions of dollars a year, drink your lattes and enjoy your wine and cheese parties. You talk badly about George W. Bush, lavish over your vote to make the world a better place since you voted to keep the San Francisco government the way it is. Soon as you come down from your lofty flats onto the streets of San Francisco, you can give a dollar to a homeless man and feel good about yourself as he uses that money for drugs, liquor and unnourishing fast food as he slowly starves to death, day in and day out. But perhaps not as quickly since you had the good mercy to ban trans fats.

It really is odd how this city is truly two sided. I can go on forever about how beautiful the buildings are, or how diverse the cultures are or even how amazing the food is (and it is). But I could also go on longer with my disgust of liberalism in its true form. Unapologetically arrogant, infinitely naive and apathetically cruel to all who are not like them.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Don't Socialize Medicine

You get what you pay for. Right now, I have a very dear family member in the hospital. He is being treated with great care and technology and is doing well. Such is the power of competative enterprise. Without it, the healthcare system would become stagnant. Of course his treatment will be pretty expensive, but money is no concern when it involves the ones you love.

I find it interesting that the politicians who want to socialize medicine, are themselves possessors of great wealth. They do not have to deal with the nightmare that is a government clinic. I have peace of mind because I know that he stands a better chance in a privately funded facility, than in a bureaucratic pit of darkness that public clinics often are.

This is not a diss against those who work in clinics, their zeal and dedication is truly admirable. But the point of living in a progressing nation is that we go forward in our advances, not backwards.

The next time you start to think that socialized medicine is a good idea, ask yourself if you think the government has ever done a good job providing education or jobs and think just how badly they could screw up the chances that YOUR loved ones may have of surviving the unthinkable.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Greetings from the White Party

Of course everyone knows that the Republican Party is all about white people. I mean, its just so obvious. Heck, I'm not even really Hispanic, I just pretend I am. Heck, I even managed to fake being born to a Hispanic mother. I tell ya, finding a Hispanic actress willing to birth me was tough, but heaven help me I did it.

OK, enough sarcasm. Howard Dean, head of the DNC and poster boy for the Aryan nation, has not so subtly "stumbled" on his words referring to the GOP as the "white" party. Of course this is the party that was historically formed on the virtues of abolitionism which freed the slaves. Important to remember is that more Democrats were against desegregation than republicans during the civil rights movement, and more democrats were against military action against Hitler and his Nazi thugs. Even the KKK has its roots in partnership with the southern Democratic party to keep "white power" in place in the south.

Howard Dean is nothing but a racist bigot. A head of the Democrat Slave Machine that helps keep minorities in poverty while claiming to champion their best interests. Of the most impoverished minority communities, you will find dog liberal democrats in charge.

Here in San Francisco, almost all of the local politicians associated with the GOP are minorities who are running against incumbent WHITE democrats.

Howard Dean should be denounced for his insensitive remarks. Remarks, that to me, seem to suggest that a minority cannot be a God fearing, freedom loving, socially conservative republican because of the color of my skin. However, they will not renounce him, because at its core, the DNC profits from minority ignorance and they will continue to profit from ignorance until ignorance is eliminated. Luckily from them, they have the support of the failed public education system.

Monday, August 18, 2008

On The Hawaiian Palace Hijack

For those of you who do not know, people who claim that the State of Hawaii (formerly the kingdom of Hawaii) should be given back to the Hawaiian people and have the monarchy restored have instead decided to take it. For this reason, a group of native Hawaiians have taken the Hawaiian Palace (Iolani Palace) briefly in a political stunt.

I think they are stupid, selfish and naive. I myself am native Hawaiian, and like many people in Hawaii, native or not, I believe that Hawaii being a member of the United States in much better than returning to monarchy. Whether the inclusion of Hawaii into the United States was right or wrong is 100 percent irrelevant.

Hawaii is a state now, and a vast majority of its inhabitants feel that it is the way it should stay. In fact, many of them, like myself, are proud Hawaiians who are also patriotic Americans.

These separatist buffoons would gladly turn our land back into a monarchy, taking the power away from the people, and giving it to those who do not respect the will of the people. If they did respect the people's will, they would not be trying to reverse our land's great progress.

If they truly want to make a difference for the lives of our Hawaiian people, they would instead devote themselves to charity for helping to educate our vastly uneducated youth, encourage education in their heritage and culture as well as important educational skills, provide nutrition and fitness assistance for those effected by extreme poverty and teach the keiki (children) that they have all been born equal, so that no single man or woman could claim unchecked dominion over them.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Peace Kills: Part 1

Peaceniks are the worst people on earth. They have caused more atrocities and allowed more people to suffer than so called "War Hawks". It is so easy for those living in safe conditions, like the United States or in Europe to chant, "Give peace a chance".

First case
There was no war during the cold war between Russia, China and America, yet during the cold war, over 150,000,000 innocent civilians perished under Soviet rule. Whether in the gulags or out of starvation, or good ol' fashion class cleansing. Take into account that during the Holocaust a total of 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated. The atrocities of innocent life compared to another simply dwarfs the idea that peace equates to life and liberty.

Second case
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two cities destroyed by Atomic weapons. Total deaths, estimated at over 350,000. Some in the US are actually sorry about the attacks. So while I certainly do not take joy in the fact that 350,000 innocent men women and children died in those bombings, a rational human being must regard the 10,000,000 innocent Chinese civilians, raped, tortured and murdered by Imperial Japanese forces and it becomes apparent that this empire needed to fall. Also, it is estimated that in order to launch an invasion of mainland Japan, American losses would have totaled between 500,000 and 1,000,000.

Why I admire the atom bomb
The Soviet Union and the United States along with Europe faced the possibility of another world war shortly after the second one ended. What kept the Allies from launching attacks on Moscow or Red Army troops from crossing into Alaska? Mutual fear of an atomic strike. The thing most people do not understand is that the weapons purpose is to never use it. An international insurance policy if you will. With technology advancing as it did during WWII, modern global imperialism was more a reality then than it had ever been before. The nuclear stand off kept a much bloodier world war from taking place potentially saving hundreds of millions of lives.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why should they get reparations?

Honestly, no one has ever been able to properly explain to me how a person who was never directly affected by a person or group of persons who have been dead for over a hundred years should be paid a settlement. It would be like the grandson of a murderer going to jail for his grandfather's crimes. It just makes no sense to me or to anyone who does not live with their heads in the clouds.

Yes slavery was bad, but think of the accomplishments since that dark era. Equality has come a long way since then. Of course it's not perfect, but then again, what in life is?

What is left is not a discriminatory government, but rather a prejudice culture. Prejudice, like it or not, because the black community enforces these prejudices. They embody them and instead of denounce them, take pride in them. The black community demands that WE adapt to their whims. We however do not demand they adapt. But we do decide who and how we choose to associate with them and their community.

The black community stands for hand outs (affirmative action and reparations), sexual infidelity(just think, "My baby's mamma"), drug abuse(Pot and liquor abuse culture), female degradation, violence and obsessive greed(have you ever seen a rap video?). All of these cultural identities are not acceptable to the rest of society. That is why we guard our wallets when a man dressed as a hoodlum strolls next to us. This is why we are less than surprised when we hear of the staggering homicide rates in the ghettos. It is not because we are racist, it is because the black community is a walking billboard for prejudice.

No one is guaranteed anything in life. Whether you are white or black or Asian, you are not even guaranteed survival out of the womb. What we make, we make for ourselves. America has been ready for quite some time to heal the racial tensions, but we are waiting for the black community to heal itself, lest it infects the rest of us.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Then starve the bastard.


He's worried about pain? Fuck, he raped and murdered two women. Now this fat ass waste of human life is worried that his own fat ass might make his already overly humane death sentance too painful? Then starve his murding ass until he is thinner. Nothing but bread and water while he awaits execution. Honestly, this is what is giving rise to atrocious acts. Compassion for monsters.

No compassion for monsters like him. If you must abide by his plea, at least force him to lose the weight. Then execute him.

VP? He don't need no stinkin' VP!

Why, the only VP that would be suitable for Barack Obama is a Barack Obama clone. How can anyone even THINK about trying to pick someone to take over Barack Obama should the unfortunate happen? There can be only ONE. Since Barack may be making history here, why not let Barack Obama be his own running mate? If he picks someone from Washington, then his pure, incorruptible image might be marred. And for a man who never flip flops, that could be bad for his campaign. Did Jesus have a VP? Or how about Muhammad? No, then why should Barack Obama?